Every thought is an afterthought.

Life is a loom, weaving illusion.

Sometimes - history needs a push.

In France, history is paralyzing.

History: A distillation of rumor.

Our best history is still poetry.

War is an option of difficulties.

No generation can escape history.

Historian - a broad-gauge gossip.

History is the science of people.

Never say more than is necessary.

A new future requires a new past.

History is a relay of revolutions.

Ideas shape the course of history.

History, a distillation of rumour.

The authors of all our misfortune.

Black history is American history.

Hindsight is always twenty-twenty.

A turning point in modern history.

Skepticism is history's bedfellow.

History is written by the victors.

History is an agreed-upon fiction.

History is written by the winners.

History: a collection of epitaphs.

Libraries are not made, they grow.

Sanity is madness put to good use.

Is he a good man?" "Define 'good'.

Of course, it has never paid much.

Art is far feebler than necessity.

[History is] petrified imagination.

History is and should be a science.

History is an argument without end.

History develops, art stands still.

The midwife of history is violence.

One must overcome history by dogma.

What Britain needs is an iron lady.

Covid-19 has altered world history.

A radiant fellowship of the fallen.

History is an accumulation of error.

I'm going to keep on making history.

Language is the archives of history.

Black history won't stop no bullets.

What man is, only his history tells.

None but blockheads copy each other.

Historian: an unsuccessful novelist.

Why change the world? Change worlds!

History is a heavy thing everywhere.

History is only a value of relation.

World history is a court of judgment.

History is a set of lies agreed upon.

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