You've never seen death? Look in the mirror every day and you will see it like bees working in a glass hive.

I always say that in any roomful of people, I could hive a novel out of any one person's family or life story.

The dwelling places of Europe have an air of inheritance, or cumulative possession - a hive occupied by generations of bees.

I'm proposing a change: love thy worker-bee. Celebrate the ones who toil without complaint, play on a team, construct the hive, produce the honey... executing the plan!

It was a great thing to be a human being. It was something tremendous. Suddenly I'm conscious of a million sensations buzzing in me like bees in a hive. Gentlemen, it was a great thing.

I have been working with Hive, part of British Gas, on reinventing the thermostat. Now you can control your heating at the press of a button on your phone. As I say, design should permeate every part of society.

There is a number among us, young and old, of all sorts almost among us, that swarm up and down towns, and woods, and fields, whose care and work hitherto hath been like bees, only to get honey to their own hive.

I always feel that I have missed some good fortune if I am away from home when my bees swarm. What a delightful summer sound it is! How they come pouring out of the hive, twenty or thirty thousand bees, each striving to get out first!

The tools that a society uses to create and maintain itself are as central to human life as a hive is to bee life. Though the hive is not part of any individual bee, it is part of the colony, both shaped by and shaping the lives of its inhabitants.

I'm extremely excited about working with Troika on 'The Hive.' This script has two elements I always look for in a thriller - strong, believable female characters and a smart, very dark and very creepy story that will definitely resonate with large audiences.

My roomate at 'Harvey' is this guy Morgan Spector, an actor in town, and I've taught him Hive and Fastrack. Others have played For the Win, but Cards Against Humanity has been the dressing room hit. We've had the understudies, even Jim Parsons playing it. Our dressing room is practically sponsored by Cards Against Humanity.

Bumble is all about community and safe, empowered connections, and the Hive represents a natural extension of our brand and our values. We love that we've given people an opportunity to connect digitally, and the Hive allows us and our users to take that to the next level in a space where connections can come to life in person.

When I heard that the bees were in trouble, the fact that they're disappearing and not coming back to the hive, which is a big issue, since a third of the food we eat comes from plants, I figured you couldn't tell the story of the bees without the story of the flowers and how they basically have evolved together for over 150 years.

You can recognize almost immediately if the film you're watching is the product of some kind of a hive mind or the result of a personal vision and genuine collaborations. 'Manchester by the Sea' reminds us of the potential of the latter and, for that reason, is the kind of work that makes me, as a filmmaker, want to continue. It's inspiring.

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