Every infinity... is made finite to God.

When you stop hoping you start settling.

I hope to be an example for all. I hope.

He who has never hoped can never despair

Hope is the last thing that dies in man.

A man without hope is a man without fear.

To live without Hope is to Cease to live.

He that lives upon hope will die fasting.

There is no limit to the power of loving.

Weep for the lives your wishes never led.

No scandal about Queen Elizabeth, I hope?

Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

Hope deceives more men than cunning does.

False hope is better than no hope at all.

Hope springs exulting on triumphant wing.

Everything comes if a man will only wait.

Once you choose hope, anything's possible

Hope is a willing slave; despair is free.

Hope of ill gain is the beginning of loss.

Hope and be happy that all's for the best!

God's reckless grace is our greatest hope.

Where there is no hope, we must invent it.

Hope has as many lives as a cat or a king.

Hope elevates, and joy Brightens his crest.

In a time of destruction, create something.

Where there is no vision, there is no hope.

Delusive hope still points to distant good.

Extreme hopes are born from extreme misery.

Hope is the forward-looking part of memory.

Only in the darkness can you see the stars.

Hope is brightest when it dawns from fears.

As long as we can feel hope, there is hope.

While the sick man has life, there is hope.

One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.

Hopes are but the dreams of those that wake.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product.

Hope and reality lie in inverse proportions.

How disappointment tracks the steps of hope.

Hope and despair ignore one another's cries.

The deepest dark reveals the starriest hope.

Hope says to us constantly, "Go on, go on..."

Hope dead lives nevermore, No, not in heaven.

In all pleasures hope is a considerable part.

He who does not hope to win has already lost.

Hope likes justification, but can do without.

Despair is better treated with hope, not dope.

I always believe things are going to work out.

Hope is independent of the apparatus of logic.

At the moment of death I hope to be surprised.

The night is past,-joy cometh with the morrow.

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