Never say never, but there are not enough hours in the day!

Unless we fix certain hours in the day for prayer, it easily slips from our memory.

You cannot grow more hours in the day. However, you can make better use of those hours.

So many wonderful books to write, and not enough hours in the day. An embarrassment of riches.

If I had more time, I'd watch more woodworking or home-improvement shows, but, not enough hours in the day.

It is easiest to "be all things to all men," but it is not honest. Self-respect must be sacrificed every hour in the day.

I am rather tired, and no longer young enough to pillage the night to make up for the deficit of hours in the day..." JRR Tolkien, Letter # 174

Once I came to acting, it was almost a thing where there weren't enough hours in the day to work on stuff because I was so passionate about it.

There never seems to be enough hours in the day. At the moment I have no time to make new music because I've been doing so much promotion for this new single.

No matter who you are, the game is fluid. The game is always evolving, so you always have to keep working on it. There are plenty of hours in the day to get that done.

Imagine working 20% smarter instead of 20% longer...Work-life balance and startup success at any stage aren't mutually exclusive. There are enough hours in the day to be effective and present.

I've learned to relax more. Everybody feels pressure in what they do, maybe mine is just a little different because there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to accomplish what I want to.

I cannot imagine anything nobler or more national than that for, say, one hour in the day we should all do the labor the poor must do, and thus identify ourselves with them and through them, with all mankind.

I've made a lot of enemies in all the right places, and there aren't enough hours in the day to respond to either the well-financed corporate hacks or the lowly stalkers who seek to libel me or make a buck off the fact that I'm a well-known person.

I like the idea of having many different ways to express myself. There is a part of me as an artist and a creator who would like to express myself in many different ways. But then at the same time I know I have limited hours in the day, and I can only do so much successfully.

Our focus was directed at developing the best possible and easiest to use product, and this is where we invested our time. Realize that you won't be able to bring the same focus to everything in the beginning. There won't be enough people or enough hours in the day. So, focus on the 20 percent that makes 80 percent of the difference.

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