Playing at Juventus is an important step in my career. It is a very big club.

The first and most important step toward success is the feeling that we can succeed.

Completing annual appropriations bills would be an important step in responsible federal budgeting.

Vaccination is the single most important step people can take to protect themselves from influenza.

I am pleased that Prince Charles and Mrs Camilla Parker Bowles have decided to take this important step.

Korea has a long way to go before ending corruption. But Mayor Goh has certainly taken an important step toward it.

FDA clearance is an important step on the path towards getting genetic information integrated with routine medical care.

I'm here now playing for Chelsea. I chose to leave my home at Athletic Bilbao, and it was an important step in my career.

F3 is an important step for that, and the next step has to be Formula 2, but my goal is to step up and show what I can do.

Creating the right advisory board for your startup can be the single most important step you take in building a new business.

Getting into the senior squad was an important step for me. I can learn a lot, not only on the pitch but also in everyday life.

We had to understand things like why the top quark was so heavy and the electron is so light. The Higgs is a big, important step.

Acquiring Sunseeker deepens Wanda's international influence and represents an important step forward for the development of the business.

Despite overwhelming support for the United States to adopt English as its official language, we have still not taken that important step.

Using prescription drug monitoring programs is an important step in identifying patients who may be improperly using prescription painkillers.

Developer testing is an important step towards accountability. It gives developers a way to demonstrate the quality of the software they produce.

The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which in 1996 set out to ban nuclear tests, is an important step, but we need to do more - and we can.

The American Health Care Act is not perfect, but it is an important step in reforming our broken healthcare system to help families in our district.

For me, taking care of your skin is the most important step. You can cover it with all the makeup you have, and it's still not as nice as beautiful skin.

A Hillary Clinton presidency would have represented an important step away from the country's lagging acceptance of women as powerful, full participants in our democracy.

'Baby's Day Out' is maybe not a great movie, but... No, I've enjoyed and learned things from every project I've worked on. That was an important step in my career at ILM.

Hygiene is going to be a key consumer question post-COVID. Our sanitized stay offerings and commitment towards ensuring minimal contact-based check-in is an important step.

Pythagoras took the next important step by subordinating the mere matter of nature to its essential principle of form and order, identifying the latter with reason or the soul.

The best and most important step of my career was when I moved here - and Louis van Gaal brought me from Madrid to Bayern. It was the best move of my career, and it's thanks to him.

Canceling the climate pact will loudly demonstrate Trump's willingness to fight - an important step for the White House because, on a concrete level, few tools are available to revive the coal industry.

If we can rid the world of financial centres that thrive on lack of transparency, non-cooperation, and weak regulation, an important step towards a fairer and cleaner world economy will have been achieved.

My psycho-analytic work has convinced me that when in the baby's mind the conflicts between love and hate arise, and the fears of losing the loved one become active, a very important step is made in development.

With the enactment of the bipartisan No Child Left Behind Act, we have taken an important step toward achieving federal education policies that will allow students to learn and achieve at the highest possible level.

The nanofibrillar scaffolds designed to guide the process of cellular repopulation is an important step towards prolonging life and enhancing the quality of life for patients with advanced heart disease with defective valve.

In 2011, when the General Assembly passed the law allowing civil unions, Illinois took an important step forward to recognize that gay and lesbian couples have the right to build lives together and create strong, loving families.

Sometimes getting something off your chest to someone else is an important step in coping - so you know that you're not alone, you're not failing, and that it is perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed or sad at times. Everybody does.

The ACA - popularly known as 'Obamacare' - has been an important step forward toward an admirable goal: providing access to health insurance for all Americans. But like many reforms generated by the political process, the ACA is problematic.

I probably would have gone the M.F.A. route except I was a dad at 19, and it made more sense to go to work for a newspaper and support a kid that way. But the funny thing is, that detour became the most important step in my developing as a novelist.

I don't know if there is any one secret to successful writing, but one important step is to move beyond imitation and discover what you can write that no one else can - that is, find out who you are and write that in an appropriate narrative and style.

This is a simple change that will provide a huge financial boost for many Americans, particularly low- to moderate-income families. It is an important step in making sure we do everything we can to encourage all Americans to save and plan for the future.

Whether you want to do a letter-writing campaign or a march or start a social media hashtag - whatever it is - know that there are people out there that are thinking exactly like you're thinking and are also afraid to take that next and very important step.

The United States strongly seeks a lasting agreement for the discontinuance of nuclear weapons tests. We believe that this would be an important step toward reduction of international tensions and would open the way to further agreement on substantial measures of disarmament.

Most people yearn to contribute, make the world a better place and have success.... all at the same time... Make sure to give your business a background, a mission and a story. That might be the most important step part of any venture. And remember, giving may be the best investment you ever make.

Some people are skeptical about the value of indictments where a foreign nation-state actor is involved. But in the case of APT10, the indictments marked an important step in publicly exposing China's continued practice of stealing intellectual property to give Chinese firms an unfair advantage in the marketplace.

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