Some things never change and the intriguing things you fall in love with will become the things you don't like.

Even if the role is very far away from me, to try and make it as nakedly me as possible is an intriguing notion.

I am from Banaras and I have seen several aghoris. They are mysterious and their way of life is quite intriguing.

There was something about the idea of Russia that I found very intriguing, and I think I had romanticized it a lot.

I found the stock market very intriguing because prices used to fluctuate, I used to wonder why the price fluctuates.

Freshness is important. If a game is fresh, new, intriguing, challenging, and enchanting, it will sell, and sell well.

I have a wonderful wife who loves me, who's fantastic, who's just the thrill of my life - intriguing and mind-blowing.

Human darkness fascinates me; I find it intriguing. And there are few female characters who are explored in this light.

I tend to like to read history - recent history, because I find that much more intriguing than just a writer's imagination.

The idea of turning an album into a living piece of art and adding new installations is really intriguing. It expands the journey.

I have certainly enjoyed puzzles since an early age, and things that look like impossible things are often particularly intriguing.

'Scandal' is great because it's intriguing and sexy, and it has a lot of play with secondary characters in situations, lots of drama.

I've always wanted to work with Sean Connery - there's something about his style, and his calm, cool demeanor that I find intriguing.

I find families intriguing, perhaps because I did not grow up in one. I was raised by a feminist, independent, single mother, a divorcee.

A lot of people thought the sense of self was hard-wired, but it's not at all. It can be changed very quickly, and that's very intriguing.

Character is primary. What happens as far as plot and events is not as intriguing to me as what's happening inside this particular person.

Musicians playing together, it's a conversation, and ideally I want our conversation to be really intriguing and interesting and beautiful.

In terms of the mechanics of story, myth is an intriguing one because we didn't make myth up; myth is an imprinture of the human condition.

For me, it's first about the characters. I look for a character who is intriguing and challenging and different from what I've done before.

I mostly listen to things that are so different because there's something so intriguing about trying to understand where someone is coming from.

People gotta realize as a fighter you want to become a champion because you get paid way more money. So the belt is very intriguing for that reason.

As far as Raikar Case' is concerned, I give the entire credit to the writer because of the way they have written this show. It is extremely intriguing.

Rick Rubin is super intriguing to me because he has become this god producer in completely drastically different genres, which very few people have done.

Multifaceted and textured characters are always more intriguing to me. You never really just want to play one note. It becomes a bit monotone and boring.

Burt Lancaster was a very powerful and intriguing person. That essence of what he was, is the very thing that you and I see on the screen when we watch him.

The Bible is filled with intriguing stories about complex and flawed human beings who ponder immense moral questions and engage in colossal clashes with evil.

I've always had a massive fascination with the modern day cowboys. Modern day outlaws or going against the system, and that's always been very intriguing to me.

So, are you... intrigued ... by Stanhope?" "Intrigued by him?" "Indeed. Do you find him ..." he paused. "Intriguing?" she teased. He sent her an exasperated look.

It is exciting to write about the present once one gets beyond the trivia of the moment. As a time to live in, as a time to think about, the present is intriguing.

I would love to be associated with some sports organization. I was a journalism major. That's kind of intriguing, to do something in the political-commentary arena.

Paste is a great music lover's resource. I tend to agree with their album reviews and find their interviews a bit more intriguing than those of other music magazines.

Obviously generating revenue is what this is all about anymore, which is sad, but again, you have to find ways to make it work. But, yeah, that's certainly intriguing.

I'd just say you hurt me and you hurt me only because you involved my family. But after that I'd say 'hey draw nearer to your family because that's exactly what I did.'

There is an art to eavesdropping, but I think to some extent we are all guilty of picking up those little odds and ends that can be quite intriguing if you analyse them.

I think 'Mistresses' is so successful because it's a mixture of intriguing storylines with lots of twists and it is rooted very strongly in reality and it's really glossy.

Thing is, just the title alone will get some people interested: everyone has heard of Alcatraz, and they know that really bad people were there. Bad people are intriguing.

My childhood definitely revolved around my relationship with my brother. I wanted to be different. I wanted to find my way of being as intriguing and interesting as he was.

I think television scripts have become really intriguing and well-done. And writers have stopped drawing any actual line between film and television they used to never cross.

I began to exercise a lot of cinematic muscle with the precepts I had learned in the New York art world. Film was intriguing. I began to think of art as elitist; film was not.

I believe in a tongue-first exploration of the world. Food is our most immediate daily relationship to our ecosystem, and there is something delectable and intriguing about it.

I just think Australia tends to make very good movies, so if someone hands me an Australian or an American film script I would guess the Australian film would be more intriguing.

Ever since I can remember, the idea of 'style' has been really intriguing to me, and I've always made a point to wear clothes that make me stand out and represent my personality.

Tilda Swinton would be a great person to a reading on because I think she is such an interesting and fascinating person. To see a personal side to her would be really intriguing.

My mom, she was, at a young age, caught up in the worldly ways. At that time, it was very intriguing to be out partying and having fun. As a young mother, she was caught in that.

Ridley Scott's 'Prometheus' is a magnificent science-fiction film, all the more intriguing because it raises questions about the origin of human life and doesn't have the answers.

I'm a people lover. I love interacting with different people as I meet them, and I think people are one of God's greatest creations, I really do. They're interesting and intriguing.

What were you doing with her?" I ask quietly. "Apart from questioning her about your whereabouts, I was listening to the most intriguing story about my life moonlighting as a kidnapper.

I couldn't resist painting Orpheus and Charon on the River Styx. There was something strangely intriguing about seeing Orpheus playing his lyre as he is being shuttled across the river.

By 1916, as Madam Walker herself was developing more assertive views on race, she was becoming eager to assume her place alongside Harlem's famous, influential and intriguing residents.

Going to train out at Joel Diaz's out in Indio, I've trained with the Lomachenkos, I've seen Terrence Crawford's camp - I think that would be a super intriguing thing to get involved in.

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