My life isn't going to be about Jar Jar Binks.

I have the heart of a child. I keep it in a jar on my shelf.

I needed to entertain myself at home nights... I got a jar of bubbles.

Mmm, I love Yoda. I didn't like Jar Jar Binks though, he was all wrong.

I have no idea why a guy would bring a jar of peanut butter to a concert.

George Lucas puts those types of characters in for the kids. Same with Jar Jar.

I'm going to move on and do other things. My life isn't going to be about Jar Jar Binks.

My earliest childhood memory is watching the sunlight through a jar of amber full of wasps.

People have got to learn: if they don't have cookies in the cookie jar, they can't eat cookies.

Nutella. I dig my spoon in and eat it straight out of the jar. I can easily go through one a week.

At a certain point my novels set. They set just as hard as that jam jar. And then I know they are finished.

I spent my childhood eating. The only exercise I got was trying to twist off the cap of a jar of mayonnaise.

It happens to people. People ruin things they love! I'm sure the guy who played Jar Jar Binks loved 'Star Wars.'

One of my favorite pieces of fan mail was a gift that I got. It was a jar filled with handwritten nice thoughts.

I started out with a dream to make a star in a jar in my garage, and I ended up meeting the President of the United States!

On 'Arrow,' we have Ray Palmer and Roy Harper, and if you call Roy 'Ray' and Ray 'Roy,' you have to put money into the jar.

Honestly, there always has to be a jar of Marmite in the cupboard. And a bag of Fruit Gums. That's living with a British man for me.

People think that I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a glass jar on my desk.

If I had my druthers, I would be a brain in a jar, with a burlap skirt around the cart I'm on - I don't attend to my physical being much.

I always carry a little jar of nuts around with me. I roast them beforehand with tamari and thyme to give them a deliciously rich flavour.

Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make life so, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall in love, drop a jar of applesauce.

Little men with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds.

I found out when I did the Oprah Winfrey show that there was a cookie jar of me. So she gave it to me. I had no idea prior to that that it even existed.

Cosmetics makers have always sold 'hope in a jar' - creams and potions that promise youth, beauty, sex appeal, and even love for the women who use them.

A God Jar is anything you wish it to be, in which you can put your wishes, dreams, problems, prayers. You may want to think of it as a spiritual mailbox.

People want to know why I do this, why I write such gross stuff. I like to tell them I have the heart of a small boy... and I keep it in a jar on my desk.

I used to keep a coin jar and would cash it in when I was pinched a little, back-in-the-day. I would always be shocked when the amount totaled $200 to $300.

I love a jar of cockles. I love anything in vinegar - beetroot, little silverskin onions, cornichons - I'm forever grazing on stuff like that, fingers in a jar.

At Eleven Madison Park, instead of brioche or chocolates, we give our guests a jar of breakfast granola as a gift at the end of a meal. We also make savory granolas.

It's very different working with all adults. I have a swear jar so that, if they have a potty mouth, I make them pay. That's what it's like being on set with adults.

I started working when I was seven, and ever since then I've been saving for an apartment. Even before that I had a little jam jar designated for my apartment money.

In real life, I swear by Edge Control by Olive Oil. My hairstylist hates it, but it's everything to me. And I mean everything! It's like a perm in a little jar of gel.

Man is born passionate of body, but with an innate though secret tendency to the love of Good in his main-spring of Mind. But God help us all! It is at present a sad jar of atoms.

There is so much talent in British fashion: a real cookie jar of different aesthetics with designers like Mary Katrantzou, Erdem, Christopher Kane, J. W. Anderson, and Simone Rocha.

My mother was an enthusiastic chef but wildly disorganized, and often preferred purchasing yet another jar of mace or chili powder rather than having to hunt down its last incarnation.

No, Jar Jar Binks was fine by me but probably went on a little bit too long. When they were in trouble and were battling, it should have been more serious and it became a bit too silly.

I realized I had it made because you don't have to destroy anything to get honey. You can just use the same things over and over again, put it in a quart canning jar, and you've got $12.

Like its breakfast companion Marmite, jam seems to divide the crowds. In many of its mass-produced guises, it seems barely acquainted with the fruit named on the jar, tasting mostly of sugar.

As an adolescent, I went to charm school, where I learned to pour tea and relate to boys, which, as I recall, meant giving them the pickle jar to unscrew, whether it was too hard for me or not.

I'm particularly fond of boned chicken breasts with a little garlic under the flesh and cooked in a casserole for 40 minutes with a jar of olives, some cherry tomatoes and a spoonful of olive oil.

I will do crazy skincare things in the kitchen... I love coconut oil, so if I come home at night feeling all dry and like a fossil, I'll put my hand in a jar of coconut oil and just mush it over my face.

I often eat Skippy's Super Chunk peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon. I don't shamefully sneak it in the dark of night when everyone is in bed. I just twist that cap off and go to town right out in the open.

The apricot's fleetingly short harvest - only a few weeks long - explains the urge to save the season in a jar. But cooked fruit, no matter how expertly preserved, can never measure up to the flawlessness of its fresh counterpart.

Some people think African states cannot be trusted with the cookie jar. But there are absolutely good NGOs who have this feeling of human solidarity and who also recognize that their work can only be supplementary to the government.

My mum has a cupboard in her house, and you have to fight an avalanche of tea whenever you open it. I go through eight teas a day because I like having something in my hands when I'm working, and it stops me going for the cookie jar.

The first book I ever bought for myself was 'One Fish Two Fish' by Dr. Seuss. My favourite page shows two children carrying an enormous glass jar up some stairs in the dark. In the jar is a tusked beflippered creature floating in brine.

I'm just totally into being strong. There's something about wanting to get a jar or whatever out of a high cupboard, or moving a sofa over because my dog's bone rolled under it, and not having to call anyone for help. There's comfort in that.

After moving to California, I went on a no-buy streak. I began refusing short plane trips, using public transit or walking whenever possible, and turning the air-conditioning down. I even started carrying around a water bottle or a mason jar.

All the pre-made sauces in a jar, and frozen and canned vegetables, processed meats, and cheeses which are loaded with artificial ingredients and sodium can get in the way of a healthy diet. My number one advice is to eat fresh, and seasonally.

If you played basketball growing up, you learn the importance of follow-through when you shoot: forming the gooseneck, waving good-bye to the ball, reaching into the far off hoop like it's a cookie jar - think Michael Jordan's last shot as a Bull.

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