Aim for brevity while avoiding jargon.

Never let me hear that foolish word again.

Clutter is the disease of American writing.

Jargon is part ceremonial robe, part false beard.

Jargon: any technical language we do not understand.

Incomprehensible jargon is the hallmark of a profession.

The best time to catch tribal jargon is when it's not looking.

Industry jargon may not be a language your customer understands.

I prefer the honest jargon of reality to the outright lies of books.

I think we invent jargon because it saves times talking to one-another.

I think we invent jargon because it saves times talking to one-another.

Only communist regimes have churned out more jargon than modern business.

Jargon seems to be the place where the right brain and the left brain meet.

Words of the jargon sound as if they said something higher than what they mean.

Our business is infested with idiots who try to impress by using pretentious jargon.

I'm terrible with tech. But I'm good with jargon. I can sound like I know what I'm doing.

Jargon is making it increasingly hard to understand what a public figure is actually trying to say

Language is essentially tribal, so jargon can actually be a really good thing because it unites people.

Garbage can provide important details for hackers: names, telephone numbers, a company's internal jargon.

The academic world was marching toward ever more specialized knowledge, expressed in ever more dense jargon.

The jargon of authenticity ... is a trademark of societalized chosenness, ... sub-language as superior language.

People say jargon is a bad thing, but it's really a shortcut vocabulary professionals use to understand one another.

You must learn to talk clearly. The jargon of scientific terminology which rolls off your tongues is mental garbage.

'Closed timelike curve' is the jargon for time travel. It means you go out, come back and meet yourself in the past.

There was in Italy a hidden demand for a boring government which would try to tell the truth in non-political jargon.

Problematic' is one of these meaningless jargon words that people on the internet outrage circles throw at one another.

It was pleasant to talk shop again; to use that elliptical, allusive speech that one uses only with another of one's trade.

We have been stuffed full of praise for mediocrity and had our foibles diagnosed away with hyphenated jargon and pop psychology.

Surrendering to jargon is a sign of journalism's dismal lack of self-confidence in the optimized age of content-management systems.

Typically, actors overplay jargon or toss it away in an extravagant display of casualness. Real people hit the important parts hard.

Never use jargon words like 'reconceptualize', 'demassification', 'attitudinally', 'judgmentally'. They are hallmarks of a pretentious ass.

I would not be able to retain all the information, all the medical jargon these doctors do. I'm not really intelligent enough is what I'm saying.

I don't know that I could do a procedural legal drama and spend all my time in a courtroom talking legal jargon that I don't necessarily understand.

I'm the know-nothing. I'm curious, I try to be entertaining, I try to translate the techno jargon, but in the end I'm the audience's representative.

Political correctness is about denial, usually in the weasel circumlocutory jargon which distorts and evades and seldom stands up to honest analysis.

Words like meditation, karma, samskaras, they're just words. You can get into the jargon, you can speak it, but that doesn't mean you'll be any freer.

'Cardiac Arrest' was the first British drama to use a lot of medical jargon. 'ER' began the following year and was the first American drama to do that.

We can't really do any improv on 'The Big Bang' because we don't understand a lot of what the dialogue means to begin with, because of the physics jargon.

Clutter is the disease of American writing. We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills, and meaningless jargon.

My issue with all sort of social justice stuff and leftie stuff, and I would put myself on a social justice leftie side, is some of the terminology is jargon.

I despise the phony, fancy-pants rhetoric of professors aping jargon-filled European locutions - which have blighted academic film criticism for over 30 years.

The clear and simple words of common usage are always better than those of erudition. The jargon of the philosophers not seldom conceals an absence of thought.

Literary theory has become a parody of science, generating its own arcane jargon. In the process, tragically, it discourages love of literature for its own sake.

Even if politicians spew confusing, convoluted jargon, these people are still meant to represent me, and the only way that happens is if I stay informed and vote.

Yet Aristotle's excellence of substance, so far from being associated with the grand style, is associated with something that at times comes perilously near jargon.

Hume develops his arguments by a series of models. He doesn't call them models in the pretentious way in which we envelope, very often, pure banalities in this jargon

The jargon of sculptors is beyond me. I do not know precisely why I admire a green granite female, apparently pregnant monster with one eye going around a square corner.

Ancient philosophy proposed to mankind an art of living. By contrast, modern philosophy appears above all as the construction of a technical jargon reserved for specialists.

People seem to get caught up in jargon like they get caught up in ashrams and power structures and they never become free. They become masters of jargon and power structures.

I dislike literary jargon and never use it. Criticism has only one function and that is to help readers read and understand literature. It is not a science, it is an aid to art.

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