No one ever judges their own self.

Judges don't age; time decorates them.

I know many judges who are homosexual.

We want to let our play be the judges.

I can't control what the judges give me.

The more one judges, the less one loves.

We do not judge great art. It judges us.

We're all the harshest judges of ourselves.

Our role as judges is to interpret the law.

Judges should interpret the law, not make it.

What harsh judges fathers are to all young men!

I always look for judges who respect precedent.

I never speak ill of dead people or live judges.

The politics of judges is getting to be red hot.

There is no dispute that judges need a pay raise.

Half of figure skating is opinion, convincing judges.

I am a great admirer of most of the judges in Britain.

Judges are appointed often through the political process.

There can be no activist judges from any political party.

I don't like to leave anything in the hands of the judges.

Judges have to be neutral, but they don't have to be eunuchs.

Judges should avoid commenting on a candidate for public office.

Judges should decide legal disputes. Judges should not make law.

My judges preach against free love openly, practice it secretly.

I realize judges don't understand what the hell kicks are doing.

Judges must be free from political intervention or intimidation.

Personal experiences affect the facts that judges choose to see.

The judges have been so supportive and amazing even after 'Idol.'

I work way too hard in the gym to woo the judges and just skate by.

I'm not one of those people who easily judges something or someone.

Nicki Minaj I think is one of the best judges I've ever worked with.

Judges were not the biggest issue for most voters in Georgia in 2002.

I don't endorse people that bash judges based on his ethnic heritage.

Kings may be judges of the earth, but wise men are the judges of kings.

If somebody judges me, then they're not my people, and that's all right.

Common Sense is that which judges the things given to it by other senses.

I will stand up for judges who faithfully follow the law as it is written.

We should trust judges to be independent, investigators to be independent.

We may have lured judges into roaming at large in the constitutional field.

Judges can determine fair justice far better than any inane federal mandate.

I do think there is a value in the services of judges for long periods of time.

Human judges can show mercy. But against the laws of nature, there is no appeal.

Unfortunately, what many people forget is that judges are just lawyers in robes.

The hungry judges soon the sentence sign, and wretches hang that jurymen may dine.

Judicial abuse occurs when judges substitute their own political views for the law.

Federal judges are just very reluctant to stick the government with responsibility.

Judges should follow the law in deciding cases - not their own values, good or bad.

I don't think there should be a litmus test on judges, no matter who the president is.

The liberals are fighting so hard whenever President Bush appoints any federal judges.

I've danced before, so I know how it feels to stand in front of judges and be critiqued.

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