I have a black lab named Luke.

I got my Nobel Prize for my lab work.

You can't regulate every lab in the world.

I thought labs were such cinematic, spooky spaces.

Everybody's a mad scientist, and life is their lab.

If it is made in a lab then it takes a lab to digest.

Start with a small product in lab environment and grow it!

At Harvard I was in charge of the comparative anatomy labs.

If you look at innovation, it doesn't just occur in the lab.

In Bosnia, there are no 35mm cameras. There are no film labs.

Our lab had always refrained from keeping our studies secret.

I dropped chemistry. I practically blew up the lab in college.

I have no interest in putting stuff in my body that's made in a lab.

I have a golden Lab who goes everywhere with me. He's a great leveler.

I can go into a lab and fool the rear ends off any group of scientists.

You know, I am sorry for the poor fellows that haven't got labs to work in.

Oh, I've seen copies [of Linux Journal] around the terminal room at The Labs.

Any company large enough to have a research lab is too large to listen to it.

We are less than a decade away from the medical lab the size of a sugar cube.

My wife and I volunteer for the Guide Dog Foundation, and we have two giant labs.

Where would Monsanto be without the U.S. farm program and world-class research labs?

When I hear of anyone walking into a lab and walking out with animals, my heart sings.

If you want to do a film, steal a camera, steal raw stock, sneak into a lab and do it!

I did. I still do. It's kind of grown to a "Ren and Stimpy" kind of lab, which is fun.

In the summer of 2009, I was at the Shakespeare lab at the public theater in New York.

All of my books tend to be about things going on in labs that you wouldn't really expect.

Would I rather the research lab that tests animals is reduced to a bunch of cinders? Yes.

I wish we all would get up and go into the labs and take the animals out or burn them down.

Scientific prayer makes God a celestial lab rat, leading to bad science and worse religion.

My morale has never been higher than since I stopped asking for grants to keep my lab going.

I know that people in research labs can do miraculous things if they're given the resources.

Science isn't just for scientists and guys in lab coats. It's something that everybody can do.

In my lab, we're interested in the transition from chemistry to early biology on the early earth.

I try not to eat processed foods, well, ever. If it comes from a lab or a factory, I don't want it.

Despite the value of open data, most labs make no systematic effort to share data with other scientists.

I got a lot of my film education from sneaking into media labs at USC. I probably owe USC a lot of money.

The committee's finding that China stole sensitive technology from U.S. weapons research labs is alarming.

Since 1998, the Administration has begun to upgrade counterintelligence and security at U.S. weapons labs.

We used to think that everything started in the lab. Now we realize that everything spins off the consumer.

I'm a professor. I know that people in research labs can do miraculous things if they're given the resources.

It's then that I realize: Of course Tris would go into the Weapons Lab instead of Caleb. Of course she would.

Some consider UNIX to be the second most important invention to come out of AT&T Bell Labs after the transistor.

My father worked at the Naval Ordnance Lab, and they had a nine-hole course on the property. You paid a quarter.

Being an assistant in a computer lab was the worst job I ever had. It was boring. That was when I was in college.

When I was in graduate school in consumer science and math, all of the big companies had labs, all doing blue sky research.

My father worked for Bell Labs. Hence, I knew very much about the place. I knew it because also he was involved with telephony.

In truth, Edward Teller ran the Livermore Lab, but for public purposes he liked it better to be known as only an associate director

Why did the Clinton Administration wait from 1995 to 1998 to tighten security and bolster counterintelligence at U.S. weapons labs?

Every single member of my Artistry and Pat McGrath Labs Brand Teams - making this dream a reality would not be possible without them.

I can't imagine the scientists wanting me to walk into the lab and start fiddling around with some big bowl of electrons they had out.

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