There were no Asian lads boxing when I started.

I have nothing but respect for 1D. They are great lads.

I've always got on with lads, more than I have with girls.

I didn't come from a council estate like a lot of the lads do.

I enjoyed every second at West Ham with the lads and the staff.

Raheem Sterling is a role model to a lot of young lads coming through.

When you step up as a young talent, you need to challenge the old lads.

I'm not really in touch with those 'Seinfeld' lads except Jason Alexander.

When I was growing up, some of the lads weren't very nice about me playing.

Once you have the support of the lads around you, you can't ask for any more.

Michael Owen isn't the tallest of lads, but his height more than makes up for that.

You must not fear death, my lads; defy him, and you drive him into the enemy's ranks.

I've seen plenty of young lads elevated into the senior squad acting like they have made it.

Everyone at United made me really feel at home. They are decent lads at United - all of them.

I'm not a 'Twilight' boy; I'll never be as good looking as those lads, and that's fair enough.

Now listen lads, I'm not happy with our tackling. We're hurting them but they keep getting up.

For me the important thing is I have four honest lads in front of me who give their everything.

For Secret Santa a few years ago, I bought one of the lads I used to play with a block of cheese.

One thing the Scottish boys want in the changing room is the bragging rights over the English lads.

I've really enjoyed my time at Palace. The lads were brilliant; the gaffer and training were great.

I do reach out to lads that I know who are my age: people like Charlie Plummer or Timothee Chalamet.

I am so proud of what I've achieved personally, but without the lads around me, nothing would have been possible.

When friends started smoking at 16 or drinking at 18, I made myself not follow. No lads' holidays, all that stuff.

The national team can do so much for Italian football, as can even lads who no-one knows or who play in the lower Leagues.

It's nice to see young lads doing well but when it's your mates you have grown up and played with it makes it even better.

Some of my closest friends, the England lads, have played in the Champions League, so it's a big thing to be there as well.

At first, I was overwhelmed at moving up to international level, but the England lads are top class at making you feel welcome.

I really like lads and grew up with two brothers and all of their mates. I'm also close to several actors that I've played opposite.

Yeah, I'm big into Drake as a lot of lads are. I've been to a few of his concerts and I usually have him playing on the way to games.

The way that I prepare, the way that I play, the way that I like to speak to the lads or manage situations is the way that I do things.

The lads I played football with on the street when I was a kid in Cardiff were as good as me, and in many ways, my career is due to them.

I used to play football with a load of lads, and I would be like a secret agent going out with a hat on so they wouldn't see my hair in a bun.

Some lads were dribblers, some lads just loved scoring goals, whereas I enjoyed and took pride in practicing my passing and that. That's how it was.

I see myself on the cover of a magazine and I don't think that it looks like me at all. My first-ever photo shoot was for the cover of a lads' magazine.

I had a good time at Liverpool. They were great lads. The manager had his reasons to keep me on the bench, and at the same time, they were on a good run.

There were times when I blundered and got the dreaded look from the lads. But that was a good sign. It showed I'd attempted something I'd not tried before.

Where I'm from, to do acting is not heard of. Being one of the lads and all, you don't just go, 'Oh, I want to be an actor'. They'd laugh and joke about it.

Paul Lambert has assembled a great bunch of lads and training has been going very well. I am just desperate to get into the team and do my best for the club.

Footballers do get a hard time, and there is a lot of generalization going on. When you get to meet players and know them as lads, it's always a bit different.

If we get a few solid festival shows then I will have no problem booking the lads for as many quality club shows around them to make a nice tour come together.

These youngsters coming into the sport are bright lads. They see how much money there is now and they realise you've got to be fitter and stronger than the others.

The kit man is the heartbeat of the football club, really. He knows the lads. He's usually local, a fan, and he's got his finger on the pulse of the dressing room.

Organising the defence is something that is very important and I try to do my best every single day in training to make sure the lads get the information they need.

It was two different worlds: my world - cricket, the dressing room and the lads. And then family. Even when they travelled with me, it wasn't always easy to bridge the gap.

When I left EastEnders, I could have earned an absolute fortune from sexy calendars, shoots for lads' mags, fitness videos and reality shows. But I always turned them down.

Every big moment has stresses and lessons that you take into your managerial career. You can pass it down to the lads who work under you. And everybody knows you handled it.

I am still feeling my calf strain, so I have been unable to train this week. I will again have to sit out the weekend action, but the lads are climbing ever higher to safety.

I've got a reputation for doing a certain type of film: lads' movies that glamorise violence. The more my reputation as a bad boy grows, the more my life moves away from that.

Really racing is about the horses, not me. You can't do it without the horses, and they are the big players as are the lads who look after them, and they rarely get a mention.

It is always good to be away with a few of the older lads because you pick up so much from them every day. You see how they prepare for games, how they rest, and how they train.

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