The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, ...

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.

The landscapes were in my arms as I did it.

Most early Icelandic paintings are landscapes.

I like America's diversity and its landscapes.

For 'Monster Hunter,' we needed insane landscapes.

I love to photograph the gorgeous landscapes when I travel.

I love big budgeted, epic rock landscapes. That's what turns me on.

I don't really get inspired by landscapes that much, it's all people.

Maybe black and white is the best medium for landscapes, I don't know.

The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

Thailand was a revelation to me; the landscapes, the culture, the food and the people.

I don't like landscapes. I like cities. Lots of cities. I like buildings. I like streets.

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

I'm a tragedienne in some way. I think quite epically. I like epic landscapes and grand emotions.

I paint landscapes, figuratives. I painted all my life. In fact, I started as a commercial artist.

I love hiking to the top of mountains in L.A. and seeing incredible landscapes. It really inspires me.

Falling in love with landscapes is what L.A. women do. It doesn't necessarily imply betrothal or marriage.

Social sharing of photos - landscapes, selfies, latte-foam art - can spark conversations and deeper engagements.

I'm inspired by many things, from landscapes to textiles. Art and architecture always influence my design process.

Objects in a park suggest static repose rather than any ongoing dialectic. Parks are finished landscapes for finished art .

There's this poet named Walter Benton, I really like his stuff. He always uses landscapes as a metaphor for the female body.

I've been in beautiful landscapes where one is tempted to whip out a camera and take a picture. I've learned to resist that.

Forgetting the importance of national landscapes, cultures, national behaviours, reactions, and reflexes is a big, big mistake.

Ultimately we need to recognize that while humans continue to build urban landscapes, we share these spaces with others species.

In the United States, we do a pretty good job of protecting iconic landscapes and postcard views, but the ocean gets no respect.

We try to turn buildings into landscapes - defying the idea of modernism which sees nature and buildings as two distinct elements.

Congress has an obligation to protect our country's natural beauty, embodied in our nation's parks, rivers, and breathtaking landscapes.

Perhaps I seek certain utopian things, space for human honour and respect, landscapes not yet offended, planets that do not exist yet, dreamed landscapes.

Over many years, I have been a supporter of the National Trust and the vital work that they do in preserving our heritage and landscapes - long may this continue.

I played video games for years. I immersed myself in them. They're so beautiful. They have these gorgeous imaginary landscapes. And they were just very dear to me.

We choose the national park idea because it's really the highest form of protection for landscapes that exists under current law, especially in Chile and Argentina.

South Africa never leaves one indifferent. Its history, its population, its landscapes and cultures - all speak to the visitor, to the student, to the friend of Africa.

Calling bitcoin volatile - it's a non-statement. Unregulated assets with unclear regulatory landscapes are always going to be volatile. That's what unregulated assets do.

The sigh of History rises over ruins, not over landscapes, and in the Antilles there are few ruins to sigh over, apart from the ruins of sugar estates and abandoned forts.

I've never put myself in the mindset that I'm actually any good at taking pictures, I just love to shoot things that catch my eye, whether it's landscapes or just my kids.

I feel like vocals are to music what portraits are to painting. They're the humanity. Landscapes are good and fine, but at the end of the day everyone loves the Mona Lisa.

Nothing is more pleasant for me than to be on location in the country that I love, in any of our western landscapes, being out there with a camp outfit and a film company.

Franz Kline, who became known for his black and white paintings, did a whole series of gorgeous landscapes and wonderful portraits that may still hang in Greenwich Village.

Even in a less exaggerated description, any verbal account of a person is bound to find itself employing an assortment of waterfalls, lightning rods, landscapes, birds, etc.

When foreign tourists come to Seoul, they will likely want to experience the city more. The city combines past, present and future landscapes that cannot be found elsewhere.

The Democratic Republic of Congo was the most unbelievable place I have ever seen. Now, I'm not normally a massive fan of landscapes, but the country was just so so stunning!

'Interstellar' is a thematic sequel to Christopher Nolan's last original film, 'Inception'. It drops us into a dark future full of otherworldly landscapes and time distortions.

I think my concern is I know my voice, and I know the kinds of landscapes that interest me, so my primary concern is doing the most I can with those voices and those landscapes.

Part of the work is determining through what instrument you are playing. Actors are physical, olympian storytellers and we should be able to create entire landscapes with nothing.

There is nothing that special to see when looking at me. I'm a painter who paints day in day out, from morning till evening - figure pictures and landscapes, more rarely portraits.

Reading 'Search Sweet Country' is like reading a dream, and indeed, at times, it feels like the magical landscapes of writers like the Nigerian Ben Okri or the Mozambican Mia Couto.

Yes, and there were changes of light on landscapes and changes of direction of the wind and the force of the wind and weather. That whole scene is too important in Homer to neglect.

I'd like to think that the actions we take today will allow others in the future to discover the wonders of landscapes we helped protect but never had the chance to enjoy ourselves.

I look around, and 50 percent of the big-budget entertainment you are seeing these days is dystopian. This is the era of 'Hunger Games' and blasted landscapes and 'The Walking Dead.'

Rock formations and their layers of texture and color have been a strong inspiration, as well as the landscapes of Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada and the Rainbow Mountains in China.

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