I was a teen idol in Latin America.

Long live the Unity of Latin America.

Capitalism has only hurt Latin America.

In Latin America, even atheists are Catholics.

The total economy of Latin America is bigger than China.

With 'Timbiriche', I toured Brazil and a lot of Latin America.

El Paso in many ways is the Ellis Island for Mexico and much of Latin America.

In Latin America, you don't do things for the money because there is no money.

The Sundance Institute has been vital to the film communities of Latin America.

It would be very ungrateful of me to turn my back or stop doing work in Latin America.

Education is the only way forward in Latin America and developing countries in general.

The United States condoned dictatorships in Latin America for much of the 20th century.

My sister, she's amazing. She sort of inspired me to take this journey to Latin America.

Mexico is becoming the northern part of Latin America, not the U.S.A.'s southern outpost.

My mom was a soap opera queen in Mexico and Latin America. I started acting because of her.

The real influence on my work was reality, that of my country and Latin America in general.

It's almost as if people think that in Latin America we're not hip to what's happening here.

So that I saw music as a way of documenting realities from the urban cities of Latin America.

I accommodated practically all of the liberation movements, including those of Latin America.

I have a very deep care for Latin America, and, of course, for what was going on in El Salvador.

In Chile they have no movies. They have awful popular movies. I am not a Latin American creator.

No offense to Iceland, but Latin America is where the fugitive leaker Edward Snowden should settle.

To our brothers in Latin America and the world, we must convey that the Cuban people will overcome.

To be able to make other girls play - and hopefully in Latin America as well - is very important to me.

Basketball in Latin America is growing a lot and it's being seen with the quantity of players in the NBA.

I think for the U.S. government the Sandinistas represented a threat to their dominance of Latin America.

There are still 500,000 persons afflicted with leprosy in Latin America, so it is still very much present.

I am so proud of my heritage and of being Latina. I would most definitely consider roles in Latin America.

The European brand of fascism will probably present its most serious postwar threat to us via Latin America.

There are no regions in the world as reciprocally integrated as Latin America and the Caribbean, and Europe.

I majored in political science, and my concentration was U.S. involvement in Latin America in the 20th century.

They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?

We need to provide higher quality and innovative early childhood development programs all throughout Latin America.

In Latin America, women are supposed to be voluptuous. They don't believe that you have to be skinny to be attractive.

Anywhere in Latin America there is a potential threat of the pathology of caudillismo and it has to be guarded against.

Perhaps no country in Latin America is more picturesque than Bolivia, and the most memorable Bolivian city may be Potosi.

In Latin America in general, it's very important that Christianity not be simply a thing of reason, but also of the heart.

I think I'm an American writer writing about Latin America, and I'm a Latin American writer who happens to write in English.

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Latin America moved decisively away from military rule and toward civilian democracy.

As a political current, Maoism was always weak in Britain, confined largely to students from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

I spent my whole life as a writer talking to just the average guy in Los Angeles and Latin America, talking to working people.

Fidel Castro, whatever people may think of him, is a hero in Latin America, primarily because he stood up to the United States.

My Latin temper blows up pretty fast, but it goes down just as fast. Maybe that's why you seldom hear of ulcers in Latin America.

Free trade, far from protectionism, is the path that we should take to make Latin America a thriving actor in the global economy.

One sees in Latin America, and also elsewhere, among many Catholics a certain schizophrenia between individual and public morality.

Before I started Coffee of Grace, I assumed all coffee came from Latin America or Indonesia. I wasn't familiar with African coffee.

The U.S. should not continue to ignore Latin America. Our nation shares regional and cultural ties with these neighboring countries.

I may not have trekked through the galaxies in reality. But I have trekked all over this planet: Australia, Asia, Latin America, Europe.

I didn't go to Latin America thinking, 'I'm gonna write a book. This is what I'm gonna do.' I went there to work for UNICEF and to learn.

People in Latin America... love America from afar and emulate America in some ways but also hate a lot of things that America does to them.

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