I am not an actress who only wants to do lead roles.

If something interesting comes in terms of lead roles, I am game for it.

I'm just a regular size, and I'd love to see more women like that cast in lead roles.

It is my good fortune that I am the first Sikh to be playing lead roles in Hindi films.

In theatre, I get comedy or nice lead roles. I don't understand a grey or negative role.

It's better to play negative lead roles than portray just any other character on the show.

Lead roles are fun, but I'm especially happy other, more colorful supporting stuff has come along.

You could say I'm a character actress. Or maybe a character actress who does peculiar, interesting lead roles.

I am continuing to do lead roles and that is where I am actually headed, but doing cameos is also a fun experience.

I have played lead roles, supporting roles and also miniscule roles in my career so far, and have never been image conscious.

As an actor, I obviously want to do lead roles but over a period of time, one gets prepared to carry a movie on your own shoulder.

You could say I'm a character actress. Or maybe a character actress who does peculiar, interesting lead roles. Does that make sense?

I still reject lead roles, as I don't accept any role if I don't find it challenging enough. I am very careful while making selections.

No one writes for me exclusively, nor do lead roles come by that easily. 'Dulla Bhatti' was one, but I was so disappointed with the film.

I'm not intimidated by lead roles. I'm better in them. I don't feel pressure. I feel released at times like that. That's what I'm born to do.

'Fukrey' was a major turning point of my career because it was post this film that I started getting lead roles in films like 'Bobby Jasoos.'

'Dhol' has me in the second lead. But I wish to upgrade to playing lead roles and want to be in the league of respected actresses of the industry.

I played the lead in 'Kutumb,' my debut serial. But after that if I had been stubborn asking for lead roles, just a few shows would have come my way.

Perhaps I have managed some sort of longevity because I haven't won the lead roles. I don't have the pressure of being a world-famous bombshell that has detonated.

I felt like I wasn't considered for minority or Caucasian male lead roles. There aren't really a lot of roles written for me, and I mean me and who I am in real life.

Damnation' and 'Dublin Murders' are the first lead roles I've gotten to do. The more time you spend in front of the camera, the more you begin to relax in front of it.

I've seen an increasing willingness to hire Canadians for lead roles that shoot up here. When I started, they would always just fly in L.A. people to do the lead roles.

If you have a meaty part to play, I don't see the harm in being part of multi-starrers. Moreover, I will be happy to be a part of a good film than playing lead roles in some bad films.

I've done over 100 auditions, but I was lucky to stumble onto the Internet as it was growing. Because in film, people are not looking at casting completely unknown faces as lead roles.

It never really worked out for me in my own country. They said, 'You're not famous enough for the lead roles, and you're too present for the supporting roles - you'd overpower the lead.'

After a two-year stint at Cheek by Jowl theatre company in London, I put all my energies into breaking into New York's theatre scene. It took me eight years to build enough to play lead roles.

I knew exactly what I wanted out of my actors - the film stars Ranveer Singh and Sonakshi Sinha in lead roles - and how each shot should look. A large part of 'Lootera' has been shot under tough conditions.

I have been fortunate in my career to play a lot of lead roles. The downside to that is I don't have a life outside of the show. I go on lockdown even with my wife if the show is really difficult and I am having vocal problems.

There are always discussions about casting stars in lead roles in theater - especially when you're working with commercial producers - and it's not something I'm against, not at all. But any casting has to be right for the project.

There were so many lead roles available when I was in my thirties. Once I hit 45, there was a real downturn. But I got an incredibly provocative, delicious lead role in a television series called 'Saving Grace,' and I loved the character.

I've probably had my best time acting - or not acting, or trying to not act - on things like 'The Low Down' or 'Treacle Jr.' I'm happiest doing things like that. Not just because they're lead roles, but because there's more freedom in them.

There are a lot of people who approached me after 'Dangal' and 'Stree' to do films in lead roles with great money. But I don't want to rush into it. I want you to call me with a happy face that the film is rocking... And that will only happen if I make wise and patient decisions.

I've been really lucky in the work that I have done so far, to work with good female actors in lead roles. Lisa McCune in 'Blood Brothers' and Claudia Karvan in 'Spirited' and then Susie Porter in 'Sisters of War.' They've been working, and they've got good lives around them as well.

I go to Stanford, and I'm an economics major, not thinking I'm going to do anything with acting. A professor came to the dorm where I lived looking for people to audition for an August Wilson play, 'Joe Turner's Come And Gone.' I gave it a shot, got one of the lead roles in the play.

Being able to do lead roles in pictures or onstage or whatever it is that you're doing in acting is obviously what you strive for because you want to better yourself as an actor and you want to better yourself as a person as well. But that does come with a lot of responsibility and a great deal of weight.

I've only auditioned for one non-culturally specific role. I went through drama school and studied classic texts and played lead roles in 'Measure for Measure' and 'The Importance of Being Earnest' alongside a very culturally diverse group of acting students. But as soon as we graduate and enter the industry, all of those roles fall away.

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