I get tired of myself pretty fast.

I definitely had a top-notch education.

I like to work - I probably work too much.

I have the mentality of a supporting actor.

I like playing weird, kind of shady people.

Somehow whatever I play ends up being sleazy.

I don't think film actors need training, really.

I mean, I'm not going to play the hero of something.

The broad comedy thing is really hard to do on film.

Acting can be a really silly thing. It's like playing dress-up.

I'm clearly not Brad Pitt, and I'm never going to be Brad Pitt.

You are absolutely free to describe me as a turtle or something.

One of my favourite things growing up was 'Asterix', those books.

I never thought I would have any particular career in movies at all.

I try to avoid people as much as possible. They might change my life!

I've very critical of myself, and film has been an adjustment for me.

I felt like I did lots of crappy work in the past. I can't even tell.

Am I really cool? You're telling me I'm cool? Well, that's good to hear.

I don't really have any opinion about my performance in 'Big Momma's House.'

Sometimes, I think I may be more recognizable because I'm character-looking.

Academia is a rarified culture, especially an Ivy League academic background.

There is something pleasurable for an actor to produce something and not be in it.

I learned how to fire a sniper rifle, which I'm sure will be useful at some point.

I don't think film actors need training, really, but I needed any help I could get.

I've got to be the geekiest guy in the world in a lot of ways. I'm like a zeta male.

I'm not a big wine guy. And bars, I never go to bars anymore. It's such a drag, man.

Honestly, I never wanted to be more than a good supporting actor. Really, I enjoy it.

I did a movie called 'American Splendor', based on the comic book writer Harvey Pekar.

The problem with getting injured when you get older is that it takes longer to recover.

I've never not been proud of the work I was doing; I have nothing I have any shame about.

I get tired of myself pretty fast. So I can't imagine other people don't get tired of me.

I still want to be the guy who can get on the subway and check out the freak on the subway.

I don't consider myself a very interesting person. I have the mentality of a supporting actor.

Lead roles are fun, but I'm especially happy other, more colorful supporting stuff has come along.

I find that the crazy narcissists, the selfish loons are often the most fun to be around, weirdly.

Come on, man.... Hemingway, Sexton, Plath, Woolf. You can't kill yourself before you're even published.

I wanted to play Zapruder, as he is a man you really don't know much about: a faceless, anonymous figure.

I think that deep down all I have been looking for is to be accepted and liked by as many people as possible.

This whole business feels kind of intense, like a bad fit. Round peg, square hole. But whatever, I'll take it.

I'd like to have permanent time off, really. The goal is financial security and permanent time off, basically.

The white male is one of the easiest things to be. There's always a job; there's always something for you to do.

'Capricorn One' just seemed like... wow. That was it, y'know? Nothing was ever going to be better than that movie.

I don't feel like I've ever done anything - even 'Big Momma's House' - that I didn't really have some desire to do.

In a weird way, I like to find the quirkiness in ordinary things. I like to find what is ordinary in quirky people.

It is because my dad died suddenly that I became an actor. I thought, I'm going to make money doing this thing I enjoy.

I was an English major at Yale, but I did do undergraduate theater there. And I went to the graduate school for acting.

I definitely have a tendency to only see the blemishes of things, and see lots of things about my acting that I don't like.

I don't mind talking about acting. I don't have anything interesting to say about it, but it's interesting talking about it.

Do you know Don Coscarelli? 'Bubba Ho-Tep?' That's one of my favorite movies in the world. And I love the 'Phantasm' movies.

If I play a more aggressive, stronger guy, I often go through my day feeling a bit better than when I play somebody who's not.

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