A land of levity is a land of guilt.

Nothing like a little judicious levity.

Jesting and levity lead a man to lewdness.

Let him be great, and love shall follow him.

Jesting and levity accustom a man to lewdness.

I try to conduct my life with a little levity.

A little levity is appropriate in a dangerous trade.

Middle age is youth without levity, and age without decay.

Levity of behavior is the bane of all that is good and virtuous.

Singing aloud leaves you with a sense of levity and contentedness.

Indiscretion, rashness, falsehood, levity, and malice, produce each other.

If brevity is the soul of wit then brevity and levity are the whole of it.

Exterior shots showing blue skies add a levity and brightness to each show.

Moderate strength is shown in violence, supreme strength is shown in levity.

Affliction is a school of virtue; it corrects levity, and interrupts the confidence of sinning.

In infants, levity is a prettiness; in men a shameful defect; but in old age, a monstrous folly.

Economy is a subject which admits of being treated with levity, but it cannot so be disposed of.

Work is in the word 'workout.' But I try to put some levity to it because you've got to want to come back.

The mind must have for ballast the clear conception of duty, if it is not to fluctuate between levity and despair.

Levity is the lubricant of a crisis. We resort to jokes, pranks and good natured kidding to relieve tension, stress and boredom.

I oftentimes find with movies that the heavier the onscreen situation is, the more levity there is off screen. It's almost out of necessity.

I often times find with movies that the heavier the onscreen situation is, the more levity there is off screen. It's almost out of necessity.

I have a lot more fun making comedies because there's a levity on the set, and I find it difficult to go to work and, you know, cry for 12 hours.

The topic of global warming is so heavy that sometimes the only way you can open people's eyes is by greeting them with levity and self-deprecation first.

The thing which grieves and oppresses my heart with respect to poor Scotland, is the hardness of heart manifest in the levity and cruelty with which they speak of others.

I make 98% of my collection in New York City and am generating jobs, so fashion isn't just frivolous for me. I understand levity about it. I also understand the depth of it.

Even the strictest religious person from the strictest religious sect allows a little levity. Today, they congratulate you for carrying the Christian message into the comics.

I have always gravitated toward levity and my parents; I'm sure they have a VHS tape of me when I'm making jokes and trying to make faces when the family was taking a picture.

There's a film I did called 'Front of the Class', about a teacher who had Tourette's. That was a beautiful blend of drama and comedy. There's some great moments of levity in the script.

'Burn Notice' is a show that definitely has some levity to it and it's a fun show, but it's also, you fully believe, you're fully invested that Michael Westen does this stuff. You want Michael Westen on your team.

In my experience sometimes the darker the material that you're doing, the more necessary it is to have some sort of levity around. I've worked on more lighthearted pieces that have been more brutal and tougher to make.

I love down-and-dirty and grit. But I do think that my favorite dramas are ones that are dark comedies because I think that the only way the audience and the actor can really go as dark and deep as you may want to go is if there's some levity added to it.

I just try to write what I think would really happen, and with grief and tragedy, there are these naturally occurring moments of levity and humor and absurdity. I think that's what life is really like. Sadness gets interrupted, and happiness gets interrupted.

People are apprehensive about finding 'The Leftovers' funny because it's such a dark circumstance, but I think, really, what the show is about is examining how different people deal with loss. There are elements of humour and levity and irony in that... just like in real life.

Dickinson is my hero because she was a joker, because she would never explain, because as a poet she confronted pain, dread and death, and because she was capable of speaking of those matters with both levity and seriousness. She's my hero because she was a metaphysical adventurer.

I was kind of the comic relief in my household. We had a chronic illness in the family. And so, a lot of emergency room visits, and my role was to be silly and add levity, and we're Jewish. So every Passover is a performance. You kind of learn to role play and do voices at the Passover Seder.

You want to represent it accurately, and the accurate representation of quarantine is not that it's sad all the time or that people are struggling constantly, it's that there are these moments of hardship and then there are intense moments of levity and kinship and people supporting each other.

I think I was so grateful, in the years after Sleater-Kinney broke up or went on hiatus or whatever you want to call it, to find 'Portlandia' and co-create 'Portlandia' with Fred Armisen, which allows for levity, allows for the same kind of kinetic energy, but channeled through absurdity and surrealism.

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