Without the library, I would have been lost.

A library is also a place where love begins.

Don't forget to support your public library.

My alma mater is the Chicago Public Library.

Storytelling is the oldest form of education.

A library should be like a pair of open arms.

I spent my life in the library reading books.

A library is a fueling station for your mind.

Every death is like the burning of a library.

Libraries really are the gates to the future.

America, why are your libraries full of tears?

The library is the mathematician's laboratory.

Without the library, you have no civilization.

What better place to kill time than a library?

A Library goes on as far as thought can reach.

Never lend books, for no one ever returns them

Libraries are the latest fashion for the brain.

I'd best head to the library. Research beckons.

There is no problem a library card can't solve.

I was born in a library, in the fiction stacks.

He who destroys a good book kills reason itself.

Every old man that dies is a library that burns.

As a child I spent a lot of time at the library.

During the day, the library is a realm of order.

The dirtiest book of all is the expurgated book.

Nothing makes a man more reverent than a library.

Libraries and museums are the DNA of our culture.

The most beautiful people are all in the library.

I grew up on second hand bookshops and libraries.

A library is a room where the murders take place.

A library is a feast to which we are all invited.

It's wrong for libraries to have limited budgets.

A library is a hospital for the mind.” - Anonymous

I've got my library card and i'm checking you out!

I never went to college, so I went to the library.

The best place to find things: the public library.

Me, poor man, my library Was dukedom large enough.

Access to a school library results in more reading.

When all else fails, give up and go to the library.

A library is all the university you will ever need.

The librarians know the secrets, not the historians

No use going to class unless you go to the library.

I saw you in the library. With—” “ Colonel Mustard?

A book must be the ax for the frozen sea within us.

A library card is the start of a lifelong adventure.

In a library, no empty shelf remains empty for long.

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends.

Book - what they make a movie out of for television.

He who has a garden and a library wants for nothing.

Affliction is the best book in a minister's library.

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