[The Library of Congress] is a multimedia encyclopedia. These are the tentacles of a nation.

I have an iPod, but I put my music in it from my CDs, and then I have that CD in my library.

For me, closing libraries is the equivalent of eating your seed corn to save a little money.

Only library books speak with such wordless eloquence of the power good stories hold over us.

Jack Benny really liked my book. I know because he called me up from the library and told me.

Make thy books thy companions. Let thy cases and shelves be thy pleasure grounds and gardens.

Shared libraries are the work of the devil, the one true sign that the apocalypse is at hand.

I think, Queen Victoria's diaries, I think you can get them if you go to the British Library.

As you grow ready for it, somewhere or other you will find what is needful for you in a book.

I've been drunk for about a week now, and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library.

Libraries can be of indispensable service in lifting the dead weight of poverty and ignorance.

I spent all my time at school in the library. Bad teachers can teach you to learn on your own.

Why may we not be in the universe, as our dogs and cats are in our drawingrooms and libraries?

Every library should try to be complete on something, if it were only the history of pinheads.

Dulcie always found a public library a little upsetting, for one saw so many odd people there.

He that revels in a well-chosen library, has innumerable dishes, and all of admirable flavour.

I've been talking about the centrality of libraries in our information society for a while now.

No place affords a more striking conviction of the vanity of human hopes than a public library.

The studious silence of the library ... Thought is the thought of thought. Tranquil brightness.

...I spent many, many hours in...libraries. Libraries became courts of last resort, as it were.

People of all demographic categories and geographic regions will access a good digital library.

Places of incredible glamour, possibility, power, excitement and pleasure. Love your libraries!

A good library is a place, a palace where the lofty spirits of all nations and generations meet.

Controller Borasus sighed with relief. Libraries were not places of danger. It had to be a hoax.

I have now a library of nearly nine hundred volumes, over seven hundred of which I wrote myself.

Rumi is astounding, fertile, abundant, almost more an excitable library of poetry than a person.

Just as it can be addictive to be in a real world bookstore or library, it's the same on the Web.

A lot of my travel is at least partly work, visiting schools and libraries, especially in France.

The library was the place I went to find out what there was to know. It was absolutely essential.

The library is the biggest cracker box factory in the world. The more you eat, the more you want.

The library is a place where most of the things I came to value as an adult had their beginnings.

There are probably a few library fines I haven't paid yet, but I'm a pretty clean-cut guy overall.

She sounds like someone who spends a lot of time in libraries, which are the best sorts of people.

If you have a question about anything, the answer can be found in a book somewhere in the library.

He had been so busy getting away from the library, he hadn't paid attention to where he was going.

I was a great reader of fairy tales. I tried to read the entire fairy tale section of the library.

Deserted libraries hold the shades of writers who worked within, and are haunted by their absence.

Libraries remind us that truth isn't about who yells the loudest but who has the right information.

Scholars have long dreamed of a universal library containing everything that has ever been written.

My father was in the Army and we moved around a lot, and one of my favorite places was the library.

I learned more about history and literature in the used bookstores in DC than in college libraries.

Bars are closed on Election Day so people won't vote under the influence. Why are libraries closed?

A library is a place that is a repository of information and gives every citizen equal access to it.

Questioners sooner or later end up in a library... And answers are dangerous; they kill your wonder.

Just be a cool grandpa who's creative, and hang out and tell stories and read a book in the library.

When I was young, my parents had a library in our living room. I was always free to browse and read.

Books read in a public library never have the same flavour as books read in the attic or the kitchen.

A good library can provide the furniture of our minds and the threads from which we weave our dreams.

Everyone spoke of an information overload, but what there was in fact was a non-information overload.

A library's ideal function is to be a little bit like a bouquiniste's stall, a place for trouvailles.

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