The great business of life is to be, to do, to do without and to depart.

For my part, I am not a great believer in bad luck on the cricket field, in business - in fact, in any walk of life.

For the Puritans, the God-centered life meant making the quest for spiritual and moral holiness the great business of life.

Christ would be a national advertiser today, I am sure, as He was a great advertiser in His own day. He thought of His life as business.

I don't think anybody ever started a great business because they wanted to make a little more cash. They had a dream. They wanted to better their life.

We must have ideals and try to live up to them, even if we never quite succeed. Life would be a sorry business without them. With them it's grand and great.

My mother was a great influence in my life and my career. She not only helped me master the business side of radio, but she also taught me how to conduct myself.

Growing your own business is great. Watching your ideas come to life, taking care of new customers and watching them become repeat customers, and successfully building your team is a feeling that can't be matched.

A great mantra to have, whether you're breaking up with your boyfriend or you lose your job, or something changes that you didn't anticipate - which is a fact of life, and very much a fact of running a business - is: 'I was OK before this, I will be OK after this.'

Hollywood is great for entertaining people, it's a wonderful business but it's make-believe, you must remember that. That's one of the most important things to remember and the distinction in your own life, otherwise people get lost in their own fame, and it makes them unhappy.

I don't think I've ever not had a dark side. But one of the wonderful reasons why you go into this business is that half your life you live in a fantasy, which is somebody else's life. It's actually a great release because you're not having to deal with the itty-bitty bits of life.

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