People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.

I think you have to experience life and then pull certain experiences into your act and your character's life, whoever you play, so you're full.

The whole character of Justin and the club life he lives - I have no experience with it. It's really foreign to me, which is annoying, but that's just how it is.

Life experience is what defines our character, even if it means getting your heart broken or being lied to. You know, you need the downs to appreciate the ups. Going on the adventure or taking that risk is important.

As a former Airman First Class in the United States Air Force, like many veterans in America, my military experience played an important part in instilling in me a sense of character and discipline that has served me throughout my life.

I think that classical theater training is just one aspect of acting. I think that experience of having worked with a lot of text can help you as an actor. It gives you the ability to tackle a larger than life character in parts that require it.

I've never been on that side - being reviled by hundreds of thousands of people online. I guess that experience was really terrible, but it's just added another stitch to the tapestry of my character, so I've seen life from both sides now. I've been beloved and reviled.

There is nothing, not a thing, like the process of creating a character for the stage - you can't get it anywhere else. Unless you're totally method and spend six months living your life like your character for a film, the theater is the place to get that intense acting experience.

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