My faith and my beliefs sustain me through all of the craziness that this life brings.

I committed my life to Christ, and that faith has been most important to me ever since.

I've had faith my whole life that there was someone looking out for me, a spirit guide, a soul guide.

Faith is a really important part of my life and inspires me in all facets of my life, including my songwriting and my singing.

I think people see faith as a section of their life, like, 'I go to church on Sunday...' but for me, my faith runs through the entirety of my life.

There are some people that look at faith as a part of their life, and there are those like me that look at faith as the essence of their life. I look at all things through my faith.

My faith is a very important part of my life. I do not feel that I have become president of this country by accident, but that I have been chosen because nobody can accuse me of favouring the Albanian Muslims or the Orthodox.

I can't tell you how Aquinas has enriched and changed my life, my thought. He has helped me to be a better evangelical, a better servant of Christ, and to better defend the faith that was delivered, once for all, to the saints.

I'm a practicing Catholic. And faith is very, very important to me. It was pounded in my head as a kid, and I hated it. And I sort of lost my way in my 20s and part of my 30s and then found my way back. And I don't know what I'd do without it. It's huge in my life.

I like to think that faith has been a part of my life since I was a lot younger. It's definitely a part of my athletic career. I always wear a cross on my goggles during contests when I'm doing something gnarly. It's a reminder that I've got someone else helping me out.

Guys like Jack Lanza, Pat Patterson, Bruce Pritchard, Tom Pritchard - those guys all helped me get a tryout. And I'd never been in the ring, so they went on a lot of faith and signed me and thought that they could help mold me into a WWE superstar. And now I'm glad they did, because that was a big turning point in my life.

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