Passing is kind of in my game all my life.

I may have had a lot of luck in my life, but I still need to find a challenge in the game.

I've heard all my life how I'm too short or not big enough to play this game. It's nothing new.

I will give 100 per cent and play with my life in every game. That's one of my main features as a player.

As far as control and stuff is concerned, I never had any more in my life than for that All-Star game in 1934.

I feel like my mum is in heaven sharing a cup of tea with Lady Fate and plotting my life out like a chess game.

I mean, I can actually say goodbye to the game of golf, never hit another golf shot the rest of my life and I'd be happy because I can get back in life without any rotation.

When I was a kid, the Patriots were my team, but I didn't really care, you know what I mean? I got taken to a game once by a friend and it was the coldest I've ever been in my life. It was torture.

I feel that I've worked with a lot of interesting people, and I have no regrets. I'm just curious about what I might have done if I'd had people in my life then who did explain what the publicity game was.

I like going out on the practice court and training with my mates. But I don't know about fully engaging and giving everything to it. It's just a game. It's just a sport. It's such a small part of my life.

James Harden changed my life. An entire page could be dedicated just to James. He not only transformed my life but also revolutionized the game of basketball - and continues to do so - like almost no one has before.

The first movie I literally ever made in my life was about two guys playing Stratego with each other. I had all my friends dressing up like the military characters in the game. So 'Battleship' is really my second board game turned movie!

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