I intend to live life, not just exist.

I want to live life, not just spend it.

I don't live life with a ton of regrets.

Live life to the fullest no matter what.

I'm trying to live life like a normal person.

I live life to the fullest each and everyday.

It takes some balls to live life to the fullest.

Live life intensely - I've always believed in that.

Life changes on a dime, so live life to the fullest.

Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain!

I don't wait for the calendar to figure out when I should live life.

We have to live life with a sense of urgency so not a minute is wasted.

You can stay in therapy your whole life, but you've got to live life and not talk about life.

More choice doesn't make us happy, and we understand that no one has infinite choices about how to live life.

I understand reversal of fortune; that usually has come through my own hand, but you know, you live life on life's terms.

Somewhere there's a score being kept, so you have an obligation to live life as well as you can, be as engaged as you can.

Live life and write about life. Of the making of many books there is indeed no end, but there are more than enough books about books.

I think Michigan keeps you sane and on an even keel through the ups and downs. In Michigan, I do fireworks, shovel snow and live life.

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