People say that life is short, but it isn't short. It's very long.

How long can you gloss everything over and give people the idea that life is a sitcom?

Fights in real life between real people only last so long before someone gets seriously hurt.

Most people take long breaks after Olympics. I needed some normalcy back in my life, so I came back to the pool.

I worried so long that I would sing to empty bars my whole life. I was singing my guts out; there would be five people into it.

Let's be honest with one another: almost everything is too long except life, and I know people who wouldn't even concur with that exception.

The three greatest people in my life were white, OK. My high school coach, my high school superintendent and my mentor in Manhasset, Long Island.

It's interesting how much people long to fill in the gaps when someone in the public eye doesn't share their personal life. I understand their frustration.

As long as there are people who are not happy with their lot in life, as long as the United States is perceived to somehow be the cause of this unhappiness, there will be terrorism.

Hip-hop was born of people who did not have a voice. They were not heard. And those people exist and are a part of a framework of life... as long as that's true, people will gravitate to hip-hop.

You're gonna meet tons of different people throughout your life, and it's totally worth it to stick your neck out a little bit if you like someone. Even when you get shot down, it seems really devastating, but it's not in the long run.

I really just like characters who you don't know where they stand for a long while. It's like people. You hang out with them for 10 years, and then all of a sudden they do something, and you say, 'Who are you?' That's more interesting. In life and on-screen.

Everything in high school seems like the most important thing that's ever happened in your life. It's not. You'll get out of high school and you never see those people again. All the people who torment and press you won't make a difference in your life in the long haul.

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