My children teach me to slow down and enjoy life.

My children are the only thing in my life that makes me happy.

All my children inspire me in life, and that always comes out in the writing.

Having children has been one of the biggest things that has happened to me in my life.

My mum has never wanted me to have children. She thinks I would be destroying my life, even now.

Americans, it seems to me, tend to protect their children from the harshness of life, in their interest.

I don't want children. Why should I let some strange little monster into my life to destroy what to me is a perfect set-up?

All I wanted was to be married, loved and to spend my life with somebody who cared for me and have lots and lots of children.

For me, I don't like it when there is too much interference in our lives. We're not children. It is our own life in our hands.

I think, if you've got children, that's your life. Your 'showbiz' life, if you want to call it that, is a separate thing, and it isn't everything to me.

Because I was involved in so many other areas of life and so many productive activities, I wasn't judged for not being a mother. There was no pressure on me for not having children.

I want to make words out of life. That's bigger than me. That's as big a creative force as - bigger than, for me, even having children. That felt more accidental - wonderful, but accidental.

Children learn much more from how you act than from what you tell them. There are times this worries me - we parents are rarely the role models we want to be. True for life. True for driving.

I have not spent years in therapy; I tried therapy in my mid-twenties, and it did not go very well. I just thought, 'This is so not for me. I would rather talk to one of my girlfriends.' I'm not at a point in my life when I'm analyzing too much. I have young children, and I'm just pretty much crazed.

Because I had children relatively late - in my 40s rather than in my 20s - it wasn't anything I ever knew that I would do. It kind of happened to me: I met the right woman and we had children. It was a revelation because it suddenly makes me realize, 'Oh, I get it. Now I know what to do with the rest of my life.'

Nobody ever texts me, because they know what I'm like. I'm a constant frustration to my children because I never switch my mobile phone on. I only use it when I need to make a call or when I'm stuck somewhere or lost, then I switch it off again. I've never texted anyone in my life, and I'm not sure I even know how to.

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