I left 'Octomom.' I went back to my life as a counselor.

Tennis was a big part of my life from as far back as I can remember.

I'd like to have a decade of my life back. I dropped into a void for almost a decade.

If one thing is very clear - in order to get my life back, there can be no Johnny Gargano in NXT.

I had moved back to Kenya after undergrad, and I went through this crisis of, 'What is my life going to be about?'

One minute I'm inside this magical glitter bubble, then it's straight back to mum-life. Literally. That is my life!

I have this data bank garbage can in the back of my head that is an emotional collection of events that have occurred in my life.

I lived in Bologna. I go back quite often, and I still have lots of connections and lots of friends. It was a nice period in my life.

Ever since I got back surgery, everything in my life has been about reduction. I've got the lightest backpack I can carry and the lightest MacBook.

There are still times in my life where I pull back from being totally honest, and I can't imagine a single straight person who would understand that.

I've been a baseball fan in the early part of my life, so through the '70s and the '80s, I was a huge fan. I actually followed the Dodgers back then, back in the Kirk Gibson years, Steve Garvey.

I didn't realise I had a speech impediment until I came back to England. I spent the whole of my life working abroad, and no-one mentioned it. I came back to England and suddenly realised I had a speech impediment.

I can trace every romance of my life back to a meal. My memories are enhanced by the tender morsels had at tables across from lovers, on blankets with friends who'd eventually become more, in banquets, barbecues, and breakfasts.

Being a novelist and being a mother have exactly coincided in my life: the call from my agent saying that I had a contract for my first novel - that was on my answering phone message when I got back from the hospital with my first child.

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