Since I lost my sister, I decided to enjoy my life, no matter what.

I feel like my life has been a series of miracles. I was in every sense a lost cause.

I lost years of my life to prison because of two-dimensional and misogynist stereotypes.

No matter what's happening in my life, I can always get lost in the romances of my characters.

'Lost in Translation' was a year of my life, if not more, and then 'Marie Antoinette' was about three years of my life.

I've produced more pilots than United Airlines, and they've all been disasters. Every audition I ever took in my life I lost.

I thought if I lost the band, I was dead. If I didn't stick with the Who, I would be a sheet metal worker for the rest of my life.

I've dreamed on numerous occasions that I've lost the biggest event in my life, and there was absolutely nothing that I could do about it.

I could not finish the rest of the tours the band had planned. I was replaced by Matt Cameron. The next years of my life were about recovery, healing, and right living. I never lost the need to create.

After college, I became a geologist, mapping what lay beneath the earth's surface. I thought I had my life pretty figured out and all my boxes checked. But then, I was laid off - along with thousands of other geologists. I lost not only my job, but also my profession.

I didn't have any stability in my life, so I was probably a bit lost as a person. I didn't know where I fitted in professionally and I didn't really know where I fitted in with my personal life and seeing my son, and it was really confusing. I think if you have one solid, then the other one you can manage.

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