I didn't start my career or, really, my life before I came to Florida.

I've never been with a losing team in my life, and I don't think I'll start now.

Baseball was a chapter in my life, and now I'm excited to start another chapter as a hitting coach.

I'll start searching for that ideal partner when I turn 40. That will be a turning point in my life.

In my life, I've never really listened to when people start forming opinions on how you should be doing things.

When I was released from prison 15 years ago, I was given a $25 check and a bus ticket and told to start my life over.

I've definitely gone through phases where I'm not happy with my life, and you notice in little ways until they start adding up.

I want to be more than just a musician or an artist and I felt that I achieved that, with Forbes. I was ready to start a new chapter in my life.

If my one hand stops working, I won't stop living my life. I will start using my other hand. Similarly, if one part of my life goes wrong, I won't stop leading my life.

It would be fair to say that the start of my life in Manchester was not perfect, but there have been many other times when I've had setbacks, and I have never given up.

Whatever I start living like and whatever I start going through in my life, that's how I'm gonna be sounding. It might sound a little different if I get more comfortable.

I have always wanted to sing at some point in my life. In fact, when I was shooting for 'Oohalu Gusagusalaade,' I would randomly start singing on the sets, and I even earned a nickname 'Radio' on that film.

The dish that changed my life was tom yum kum. You start with a pot of water, add lemongrass, lime leaves, lime juice, coriander, mushrooms, and shrimp; ten minutes later, you have the most incredible, intense soup.

They'll probably start working on my movie sometime... They are doing a complete movie of my life story. It will not be based on any negativity. It will be more about my life, from a kid, how I came up and why I came through.

Because too much of my life was spent waiting to be seen. Hoping to be seen, hoping to be picked. Once you realize that you aren't looked at that way any more, other things start to happen and you have to depend on other things to get by.

For many people, the hardest thing about job-seeking is figuring out where to start. All through college, I heard my friends asking themselves, 'What do I want to do with my life?' And guess what? After college, and after that first job, people still ask the same question.

Ever since I was a little kid, I got bored, so I learned to sing, and I started singing lessons. And then anytime I was bored, I would start writing and start messing around on my computer, making beats. Then I got bored and started making YouTube videos; that changed my life in a big way.

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