So be it. I’m happy to bring the country together.

Do you want to know the truth, or see me hit a few dingers?

I'm not here to discuss the past... I'm here to be positive.

I'm not here to discuss the past. I'm here to be positive...

The mind is a powerful thing and most people don't use it properly.

My message is that steroids is bad. Don't do them. It's a bad message.

Roger (Maris) was a class act and I know exactly what he went through.

I'm being embraced by the public, but also baseball is being embraced.

Once and for all, I did not use steroids or any other illegal substance.

Wouldn't it be great if we just ended up tied? I think it would be beautiful.

You don't know that you'll ever have to talk about the skeleton in your closet.

If you want to maximize your total potential ... you have to know yourself first.

I don't know if I want to break my own record. I think I would rather leave it as it is.

When people put my name next to (Babe) Ruth's name it still blows me away. I'm still in awe.

I'm sure people will wonder if I could have hit all those home runs had I never taken steroids.

This is a great thing that's happening in baseball. We don't know if it will ever happen again.

I know it's tough. Everybody in baseball knows its tough. I'm just going to give it my best shot.

I mean, it's unheard of for somebody to hit 70 home runs, so I'm like in awe of myself right now.

Baseball was a chapter in my life, and now I'm excited to start another chapter as a hitting coach.

I touched Roger's bat and held it to my heart. My bat will lie next to his. I'm damn proud of that.

I sort of missed one big thing, to touch first base. I hope I didn't act foolish, but this is history.

Only sixteen players have hit fifty or more homers in a season. To me, that's a very special milestone.

Sammy Sosa's a September player, so you have to watch out for him. It's crunch time, time to make history.

I have had to tell my son, my parents, my friends that I used steroids. It's been very hard. It's been very difficult.

Performance-enhancing drugs are an illusion. I wish I had never gotten involved with steroids. It was wrong. It was stupid.

The only reason I took steroids was for my health purposes. I did not take steroids to get any gain for any strength purposes.

There's not a pill or an injection that's going to give me, going to give any player the hand-eye coordination to hit a baseball.

I remember trying steroids very briefly in the 1989 -1990 off season, and then after I was injured in 1993, I used steroids again.

I wish that every player could feel what I've felt in visiting ballparks. The receptions I've received, it's blown me away. It's absolutely remarkable.

I think back and I really feel for what he (Roger Maris) went through, for all the negative stuff that was going on in his life. I wish it didn't happen.

In '83, we went over to Amsterdam. I just remember people saying, 'Baseball's just starting over here. They're learning how to play the game of baseball.'

The only team that could have competed with us was the Cubans. It's too bad they're boycotting. The teams we're playing just can't compete with our power.

The steroids I did were on a very, very low dosage. I didn't want to take a lot of that. I didn't want to look like Arnold Schwartzenegger or Lou Ferrigno.

I tell you what, I was so shocked because I didn't think the ball had enough to get out. It's an absolutely incredible feeling. I can honestly say I did it.

I had good years when I took steroids, and I had bad years when I took steroids. But no matter what, I shouldn't have done it, and for that, I'm truly sorry.

I didn't even realize it was a grand slam (number thirty-one) because I was mentally preparing myself for Andy Benes because he struck me out the first time.

I think it puts baseball back on the map as a sport. It's America's pastime and just look at everyone coming out to the ballpark. It has been an exciting year.

I chose to be retired. I chose to start a family. That was one of the biggest reasons I got away from the game of baseball. I wanted to start a family. I was happy.

What a perfect way to end the home stand, by hitting sixty-two for the city of St. Louis and all the fans. I truly wanted to do it here and I did. Thank you St. Louis.

What he (Sammy Sosa) and I have been doing is fantastic. What we've done nobody in the game has done for thirty-seven years. I'm pretty happy with the way things have been going.

I've been thinking about the record since I reached the fifty plateau. But you think about it and then you let it go because you can't waste many brain cells on hours thinking about it.

The thing I sort of get tired of hearing is if I don't hit home runs or don't get hits, that the pressure of the media is getting to me. Absolutely not. Believe me, it's not getting to me.

I study pitchers. I visualize pitches. That gives me a better chance every time I step into the box. That doesn't mean I'm going to get a hit every game, but that's one of the reasons I've come a long way as a hitter.

To be the first player to do it three consecutive years (fifty or more home runs), you go back through the thousands of power hitters who played this game and nobody has ever done it, and I can sit here and say I'm the first. I'm pretty proud of that.

Some of the longest home runs I've hit, I didn't actually realize they were going that far. Everyone says, 'What does it feel like to hit the ball that far?' Actually, there's no feeling at all. I know when the ball meets the bat whether or not it's left the park. It's a nice easy thing.

I care deeply about anyone who listens to my music. That's a sacred connection between the artist and the person who appreciates what you do - it's beyond words how meaningful that is. But I'm not going to stifle myself from trying new things because I feel like people that are already into my stuff might not like it.

"The War on Consciousness" is really all physical manifestations and all those problems are ultimately just a war on your way of thinking. Especially now, when we're involved in the war on terror. Terror is a psychological term. Terrorism is a political term. Terrorist is a sociopolitical term. But terror is a psychological thing.

The technological age we're in now is the perfect forum for constant misdirection and constant distraction. I ultimately think it's a war to keep people from realizing the true nature of themselves and the true nature of life. All the things people are in pursuit of now, in 2014, are total illusions. It just destroys people's happiness.

Babe Ruth, what can you say? You are almost speechless when people put your name alongside his name. I wish I can go back in time in meet him. Obviously, he was probably the most important sports figure in the world at that time. Hopefully, someday when I pass away, I get to meet him, and then I can really find out what he was really like.

I do believe my personal spirituality, which spirituality itself I don't really equate to anything more than my personal connection with nature and the universe. With what is real, not a manmade contrivance. Finding a connection with those things through my music is something I've begun to take more seriously in order to understand why I feel that way.

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