What you learn about pain in formal meditation can help you relate to it in your daily life.

You've not felt the pain of rejection until a television show based on your own life is canceled.

The fact of the matter is that when you're in pain emotionally about your life, the color of your skin does not matter.

When you are in unrelenting, excruciating and debilitating pain that never goes away for years on end, your life is over.

You can't live the rest of your life carrying a pain because your parents couldn't get along. I choose to spend my life crafting a joy.

I just want to say to anybody out there who suffers with chronic pain, I feel you. It takes over your life. It affects you emotionally, mentally, physically.

Pain has been part of my life. I don't complain about much. When you grow up with six boys, you can't show your pain, and if you do, they'll give you another piece of pain.

I really think the Uberfication of everything is a trend that I didn't expect to be coming this fast. I mean, every single thing you want to do in your life, people are building services to take all the pain out.

When I started running, the pain barrier was very familiar to me, and I had no problem pushing beyond the pain. When for your whole life, every single workout, you are programmed to push beyond belief, it's really hard to just turn that off and kind of just be a social competitor.

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