Relative to the rest of your life, college isn't all that hard.

Being a writer is like having homework every night for the rest of your life.

If the relentless personal maintenance plan has taken over your life, give it a rest.

If you do every job like you're going to do it for the rest of your life, that's when you get noticed.

If you don't know where to find self-love, you're going to spend the rest of your life trying to find it somewhere else.

I'll get mad, but then I'll let it go. It's not worth stewing over for the rest of your life. You've got to move on and let it go.

When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

It's an individual sport so you get in the ring on your own and then when you retire you tend to spend the rest of your life on your own.

Having an Olympic medal validates that you can be a successful freeskier... It's like a credential that sticks with you the rest of your life.

In the years just after 9/11, even being breathed on by a suspected terrorist could land you in extralegal detention for the rest of your life.

You get an image in the first couple of years of your career, and then whether you like it or not, you are stuck with it for the rest of your life.

You're taught that it's not very likely for you to become successful... that odds are you're going to be a struggling artist for the rest of your life.

Filming takes a lot out of you. It really does. It's immensely demanding, and you have to put the rest of your life in the icebox until you do your final shot.

I'm a one-woman guy. I think that if you can find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, you should marry them instantly, and try to stay married.

I think it's like a relay race. You run, and you hand over the baton, and your kids pick it up. They take the stuff they want, throw the rest away, and keep running. That's what life is about.

It's kind of like a college degree... when you get one, no one can take it from you. When you get to say for the rest of your life that you've got a platinum album, that really means something.

When it comes to spending the rest of your life with someone, you should do it with a friend. It doesn't matter if that person is illiterate, educated or earns Rs 10 or Rs 10 crore. Eventually, these things don't matter.

It doesn't matter if that felony happened three weeks ago or thirty-five years ago - for the rest of your life, you've got to check that box, knowing full well the odds are sky-high your application is going straight to the trash.

That's my favorite subject because it really levels the playing field for artists these days. You don't have to sell out to the record company. You don't have to get a five hundred thousand dollars, or whatever, and pay them back for the rest of your life to record a record.

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