It's rare to find women who have that balance between work and life, who are really psyched for another woman's success.

Nothing good comes in life or athletics unless a lot of hard work has preceded the effort. Only temporary success is achieved by taking short cuts.

You grow up a bit damaged or broken then you have some success but you don't know how to feel good about the work you're doing or the life you're leading.

My biggest success is getting over the things that have tried to destroy and take me out of this life. Those are my biggest successes. It has nothing to do with work.

In the world today many people rightfully feel entitled to have success and the good things in life, but they usually understand it will require sacrifice and hard work.

I don't think anyone will be able to answer why one did not get success from their work. It's just part of life. Sometimes your work is good, but the character does not fully reach the audience.

There is an immutable conflict at work in life and in business, a constant battle between peace and chaos. Neither can be mastered, but both can be influenced. How you go about that is the key to success.

When I first arrived in Los Angeles I became a little bogged down in the whole success thing. Now I'm at a place in my life and career where I just want to work. It's what I do and it makes me very happy.

Kids are meant to believe that their stepping stone to massive money is 'The X Factor.' Luck is great, but most of life is hard work. We do not celebrate people who have made success out of serious hard work.

Choose something you like to do. I know it's a cliche, and you've heard it over and over. But the reason is, you're going to have to work long and hard to achieve any success. You better like it or life is going to be terrible.

Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets, and life will become a beautiful success.

My father had to flee from what is today Pakistan when he was a child, and he became a manager at IBM, and any item of consumption he would acquire was a direct measurement of his success in life. But that same equation wasn't going to work for me - I was quite clear about that in my early teens.

I've discovered that the standard all-American dream of fame and fortune is not success for me. Success for me is simply the joy of working - doing good work - and then bringing that joy home to my family. But if what I do in my work doesn't enrich my life with my family, I'm doing the wrong thing.

I suppose I just had this Christian idea about how I ought to go about my life. I thought, 'If I work really hard and have a bit of success, the problems I'd had all my life would leave me.' But, of course, not a bit of it left me because Asperger's is not something you just get over or grow out of.

I have worked with artists who are super-young and new and experiencing success, and I feel bad because I can see it in their eyes that they truly think that is it for the rest of their life. And I am like, 'It may be, but you have to work at it, and even if you do, it may not be, so enjoy what is going on right now.'

I'm learning a lot how to be good at what I do and also how lucky I am and take it all in and be grateful for all this late in life success I've been having and it's good to have people that have been around and successful for awhile and work with them and see how they behave and it's why they are who they are and why they're still successful.

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