Whatever your walk of life is, I think you have to be real about it.

If you're paid before you walk on the court, what's the point in playing as if your life depended on it?

A well-developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life.

That's the hard part of television: When you walk into the network tests, you're signing away seven years of your life.

It's very important what you say to kids. You have to walk a very fine line between talking about your life and talking about what you've done.

I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk.

When you walk around, you have all this stuff rattling around in your head, things that have happened to you, things you have read. Life is just life, and you get what you get out of it.

You may be sick of what you did the first half of your life, but you don't have to just walk around and play golf or doing nothing. It's not like fifty is the new thirty. It's like fifty is the new chapter.

Imagine going into an office and telling the staff that they have to follow your philosophy. Imagine the reaction you would get if you said that in any other walk of life. Why would I offer that to my players?

Even with all of the things that are so awful, if you walk into your yard and stay there looking at almost anything for five minutes, you will be stunned by how marvelous life is and how incredibly lucky we are to have it.

I think you live a fuller life with someone else, you know, you're firing on all cylinders. It can be a nightmare at times, we all know that, but nevertheless in the end I think to have someone else's input on anything - a book, a meal, your children, life, a walk - is fantastic.

I tell people: walk around for one month and write down three problems in your life every day. At first it's easy - you got stuck in traffic, you missed your alarm - but by the end of the month you're looking really hard to get your 90 problems. The most common things on your list are now billion-dollar businesses.

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