I think it's really important for every young person to work in a kitchen because you learn a life skill.

I split my commission and personal work about 50 per cent each. It is important to get that balance in life.

The most important part of life is work, it's the flow, it's getting stuff done, feeling like you're doing something.

I've always been able to decide what was more important at different points in my life, but I never gave up personal things to work, never.

I guess the most important thing for us is that the kids work hard and they are grateful for the life they lead - that they know it doesn't come easy.

Architecture is my work, and I've spent my whole life at a drawing board, but life is more important than architecture. What matters is to improve human beings.

Respecting people is an important part of life, whether it's the person doing janitorial work or the person above you. It doesn't matter who you are: I'm going to respect you.

My mother definitely plays a big role in my life and in my work. The majority of what I've created has to do with her passing and how I dealt with losing the most important person in my life.

Our kind of research might be one of the first projects to go. Our work is not urgent; it's not the cure for cancer or Alzheimer's. But we have a way of understanding human life that you can't get anywhere else, and it lays the foundation for important, actionable things.

We recognize the chicken as another conscious being. It's different from us, but it has a life, and if something is really important for that chicken, if it would work hard to try to get it, and if we can give it without sacrificing something that's really important to us, then we should.

You can have anything you want, but not everything. If it was really important to spend an afternoon at my daughter's school, I had to think, how was I going to organize my life to do that? How could I become more efficient? I always tried to put my priorities on the table, personal and professional, and work around them.

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