I work hard and do everything to make sure I am in the starting line-up.

You need always guts to put youngsters in the squad and also in the line-up.

It's good to be competitive when everyone wants to be in the starting line-up.

Obviously, every player wants to keep their spot in the starting line-up, and I'm the same.

In training, I work hard to make the starting line-up, and I try to do my best to be picked.

Of course I want to play my way into the starting line-up, that's what every player wants to do.

If you were to do a line-up of past suitors, it's definitely a very eclectic group, is all I'll say.

If you've got aspirations to be tested to the absolute maximum you want to be in the starting line-up.

I don't think you'd say we'd be rivals because we've got a completely different line-up to The Beatles.

In the day-to-day, one only thinks about his club in training and trying to be in the starting line-up.

I demand of myself that I take part and work hard in training to ensure I'm in the starting line-up and help the team.

Geek and Sundry has an eclectic line-up of shows all targeted around things I love: Comics, Tabletop Games, Books and more.

It was disappointing to be left out of the Premier League line-up, but it was a reality check to sit back and look on the bench.

Every player wants to be at Real Madrid, of course. I fought my entire life to be at the club, but only in the starting line-up.

Now I know that when you do come to a new club, you have to fight for your spot if you want to be in the line-up week in, week out.

I went to karate classes where it was basically a line-up of hulking man, hulking man, small nine-year-old girl, hulking man, hulking man.

I always send new writers to 'Writer's Digest Books' line-up of how-to books. I read them all when I was starting out, and they were very helpful.

Since I was promoted to the America MG first team, there was already pressure on me. In my third game at America, I was already in the starting line-up.

Seeing our VH-1 Behind the Music shows just how dysfunctional some of the moments of the band were but this new line-up has put the fun back in dysfunction.

The Ramones went through a couple different line-up changes, and Johnny and Joey held through the whole thing. So right now I'm the only one hanging in there.

It's difficult for anyone to regard a place in the England starting line-up as their own. There's always someone looking to get ahead of you, and that's how it should be.

I think the higher you can bat in your Shield team, if you're doing well there the better off you're going to be for batting anywhere in the Test line-up or any of the line-ups.

People come out to see the players. When do you see a manager anyway? When he's out on the field arguing with the umpires, making a fool of himself and you know you can't win, and when he brings out the line-up card.

Work is my balm. I've just finished my work in Ketan Mehta's 'The Rising.' It's one of the best films I've done. Such a fabulous line-up of technicians and artistes. Above all, I got the privilege of working with Aamir Khan.

By the time I made my international debut Tendulkar was already being counted among the best batsmen in the world. Most bowlers knew that his was the crucial wicket in an Indian batting line-up that boasted of many talented batsmen.

Rakshabandhan is one day in a year I always look forward to... As children, we used to get presents and money, and there would be a full line-up of rakhi brothers, but as I grew older, the excitement was lesser as the love grew deeper.

And I saw the sax line-up that he had behind him and I thought, I'm going to learn the saxophone. When I grow up, I'm going to play in his band. So I sort of persuaded my dad to get me a kind of a plastic saxophone on the hire purchase plan.

When we talk about women's struggle to balance their lives, certain men growl, 'If you can't stand the heat, get back to the kitchen.' Men who have never changed a nappy, mainly, and couldn't pick their child's teacher out in a police line-up.

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