I owe a lot to Chelsea.

Sometimes you have to mature.

The important thing is the team.

I'm willing to play any position.

I always think this is a team sport.

Any player wants to be at Real Madrid.

I will always wish the best to Madrid.

I should never have left Italy and Juve.

I'm a striker; my job is to score goals.

You always want to contribute wherever you are.

I'd like to play in every game, like everybody else.

I grew up at Real Madrid and played there a long time.

Someday, I'll write a book about what I've been through.

I won in Italy, I won at Real Madrid, and I felt important.

I lived Real Madrid, with all the perfect things to grow up.

Goals flow when you play with a smile and don't think too much.

My wife would like to live in Spain; I'd like to live in Italy.

Your life can change in a moment, depending if the ball goes in.

To play a World Cup for your country is everything you dream of.

It's difficult to say no to Madrid, especially for a Madridista.

I came to Chelsea because one club and one coach believed in me.

I've learnt more in two years at Juventus than in my entire life.

In adversity, you have to find motivation to continue and do well.

I am a happy person, especially off the field, outside of football.

It is always a good feeling to score the first goal in a new stadium.

I always want to go out and score, but there are times when you can't.

My only intention is to be happy and be in a place where I feel wanted.

I don't think about scoring more goals than a team-mate, only to score.

I fought all my life to be at Real Madrid, to try to be in the starting XI.

I had the chance to go to Manchester United and other teams in the Premier League.

Scoring lots of goals in Italy is much more difficult: they are experts in defending.

All I want is to be just another member of the squad and fight for a place in the side.

I really enjoy playing a lot of games because I always want to score more and play more.

In the Premier League, we have to play a lot, and we always need the support of the fans.

I'm a striker. it's our job, and it's true that we need to score, and I am happy when I do.

I will continue going to the psychologist. It helps me to manage the pressure and emotions.

Real Madrid needs a coach that knows the club and understands the values that it represents.

Playing for the national team is always an honour. We must make the most of every opportunity.

It's hard as a striker. It's cut and dried. Your job is to put the ball in the back of the net.

It's hard to imagine going back to Italy, despite my experience in Serie A being extraordinary.

I think it's not important if you score 25 or 30 goals: it's important you help the team to win.

I would never regret joining a club like Chelsea, and hopefully I will be a long time at Chelsea.

Antonio Conte helps you to grow because you can never get too comfortable or find a comfort zone.

Chelsea gave me everything that I needed, and now I have time to give back all that Chelsea give me.

I don't see why I should be happy scoring a goal against an opponent on a much lower level than we are.

Chelsea is a big club, a club that has given me the opportunity to play as a starter, to grow even more.

You can't think you're God when you score an important goal or the worst player around when its going badly.

My two years at Juve were fantastic. I was just a lad when I arrived, and I was a real footballer when I left.

A footballer can have even more problems than other people. Sometimes money and fame can become a problem, too.

I needed something Real Madrid could not give, which was playing every Sunday, whether I was doing well or not.

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