I always know my lines.

Everybody steals my lines.

Virtue knows no color line.

Dancin' in the welfare lines.

The bottom line is in heaven!

The straight line is ungodly.

There is no color line in art.

Pray to God and say the lines.

Lynching is color line murder.

What is that unforgettable line?

Draw lines - draw a lot of lines

[Emily Litella line:] Never mind.

Revenge is never a straight line.

Drawing is still the bottom line.

A line is length without breadth.

I learn the lines and pray to God.

Lines are very difficult to learn.

Every single line means something.

Draw a straight line and follow it.

I Walk The Line was my third record.

In nature there are few sharp lines.

We have ...drawn a line in the sand.

I want to do a make-up line for men.

Courage is crossing a starting line.

There is no straight line to a dream.

Behaviors and feelings rarely line up

There's no straight line to progress.

I talk out the lines as I write them.

God draws straight with crooked lines.

I can be so blown away by story lines.

Read every line item until you get it.

I don't have tattoos other than lines.

The bottom line of Hollywood is money.

The bottom line: Earth is not mediocre.

Learning lines is my biggest challenge.

Put temptation on the unenjoyment line.

I come from a long line of generations!

Your life is on the line, practice well.

Try not to make a straight line crooked.

I have a red line against the Americans.

I spent several years cooking on a line.

I'm on the front line and I am a rapper.

standing in line is a form of oppression

I have never read a line of Walt Whitman.

It's nice when someone knows their lines.

Drawing takes time. A line has time in it

Art brings out the grand lines of nature.

Originality will be rewarded in any line.

I put the hamburger on the assembly line.

Count on big lines to express your ideas.

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