Fumes of wine shorten the long road.

I know now that it is going to be a tough and long road ahead of me.

I have traveled a long road from the battlefield to the peace table.

So it's been kind of a long road, but it was a good journey altogether.

I want to be as gracious and thankful as I can because it has been a long road.

I've had a long, long road with lots of ups and downs. But that's all behind me now.

My mother wanted me to be a writer, which I have ended up taking a long road round to.

One thing I can say is I'm thankful. It's been a long road for me through my injuries.

If I'm producing, I'm not acting, and it's such a long road to get anything off the ground.

We will not be beaten. But we may be shamed and embarrassed on a needlessly long road to victory.

It's been a long road. I've been cut, I've been all over the place, but my mentality has never changed.

Freedom is not an instantaneous holiday, as we once dreamed. It is a road. A long road. We know this now.

It's a long road, so we are just trying to stay focused and grounded and keep moving forward. I'll take it, though.

It's been a long road back to health and fitness for me. I am just glad to have been given the opportunity to do what I love most.

The blues is a mighty long road. Or it could be a river, one that twists and turns and flows into a sea of limitless musical potential.

Together we have travelled a long road to be where we are today. This has been a road of struggle against colonial and apartheid oppression.

To bring out a new technology for consumers first, you just had a very long road to go down to try to find people who actually would pay money for something.

If you want to do this job, you have to really want it because it's hard. It's a long road to get here. I moved all over the world, but it's worth it. I love what I do.

I have encountered on this long road an enthusiasm for an Irishness which will be built on recognising again those sources from which spring the best of our reason and curiosity.

I think Pearl Jam, greatly inspired by The Who, really did become a sort of musical conscience of a generation. I love such passionate songs as 'Not for You,' 'Wishlist,' and 'Long Road.'

I always had that long-term vision. Even getting going with cinema, knowing it was such a long road to be able to make films, but I always had a long term. Whenever I was starting out, I had that patience.

It's a long road of paying your dues. Each and every person that's in this business has to go down that road. Some people may not have to. Some people may be given that road instantly because of who they are.

It's been a long road of self-transformation for me, and I'm so grateful for the care I received at NYU Langone with Dr. Rachel Bluebond-Langer, one of the best transgender surgery specialists in the country.

I was one of seven, and we took a lot of road trips - long road trips. And this was before iPhones and iPads and DVD players in cars. I remember how novel it was when I got my own Walkman so I could listen to music.

One of the cries from the people was, don't forget us. They have a long road ahead of them. Operation Blessing has found those little fishing towns. They will not be getting what other towns are getting from the government.

I'm really working hard at regaining Mannie Fresh as a household name. But for me, it's always been the long road. What the long road means is if I gotta go city to city, town to town or whatever it is, that's what I gotta do.

It's been a long road. A humble Dearborn beginning. Secretary mom, dad teaching handicapped children. Working for what they had. Eventually, I moved to L.A. but, not good for me, I felt rejected. So I stopped acting and, needing to feel good inside, became a chef.

For me, it's been a long road of growth. Not only as a performer but as a man, as a father and all that kind of stuff so at one point in my career I really just wanted to give up and hang it because I wasn't getting anywhere, I wasn't getting myself in good shape.

You try to teach toughness and to hit hard, and also say to be safe and don't hurt anybody - there's a contradiction there. The very fundamental question for the long road is, Do you want your kids playing football? That's the scary question, especially for the N.F.L.

Our enemy is motivated by hatred and will not stop planning more plots against until they are ultimately defeated. Today was an important and necessary victory in the war, but there is a long road ahead. We must remain committed if we are to succeed and protect our liberty.

It's been a long road for me coming from NXT. I've been with NXT for almost four years, and just getting to WWE, and now being able to travel with them, I kind of have to make new friends and get hotel rooms and travel in different cities every single night. It's very different, but it's so much fun.

As soon as I went to painting school in New York, I took an experimental film course, and everything clicked and came together. I realized my love of music and drama and the visual arts all came together. This happened in 1989. Since then, it's been a long road of educating myself in every possible way.

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