Look at my skin - I am not of the white people.

I am a person who is trained to look other people in the eye.

I think people think I'm a lot younger than I am because of how I look on screen.

But I am a big welterweight so I can see why people think that I would look to move up the weights.

I am not writing for scholars or fellow critics, but for people who like to read, to look at pictures, and to know things.

People are like, 'Well, she doesn't know the Sex Pistols.' Why would I know that stuff? Look how young I am. That stuff's old, right?

Some people say, 'Oh, you look just like the guy from 'Stranger Things.' And I'm like, 'I am the guy.' And they think I'm totally joking.

Most people say I look mean, and because I play so many tough roles and because of my size and my martial arts background, they think I am, but I'm really not.

I've realized that these people you look up to - watching Aaron Rodgers, watching Tom Brady - they're humans just like I am. They can make mistakes. They're just people.

I obviously don't feel under pressure to look young, because I have had no Botox or surgery. I don't judge people who choose to have it, but I don't want to erase who I am.

Because I play in NBA, I am like ambassador of Yugoslavia. Los Angeles before, nobody hear of Yugoslavia. Now I think much people who look at basketball hear of Yugoslavia.

I can wear a baseball cap; I am entitled to wear a baseball cap. I am genetically pre-disposed to wear a baseball cap, whereas most English people look wrong in a baseball cap.

I know English football people say you have to look out for young players, that maybe they can play 15 or 20 games but not more. They are afraid. I am not afraid to put young players in. I am not afraid but maybe they are.

I usually try not to be trendy and go with what everyone is wearing. Although when I am looking for inspiration, I will check out Instagram stories. I usually look at what people are wearing in Europe. They're fashion-forward.

I am a son of my nation. It does not matter whether I am prime minister, a soldier, or a policeman. The main thing is to be useful to the people, that I can look into people's eyes, and that people see that there are real benefits from my activities.

Journalists are always calling my features Edwardian or Victorian, whatever that means. I am small, and people were smaller in those times. I'm pale and sickly-looking. I look fragile-like a doll. But sometimes I just wish I had less of a particular look, one that was more versatile.

People think that what I see diving must drive what I put into films, but that isn't really the case. When I am making a Hollywood production, I am telling a different kind of story. Of course, if I see something interesting that works, we will look at it, but they are different things.

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