I always have a full-length mirror next to the camera when I'm doing publicity stills. That way, I know how I look.

If you look at my carpet photos, I'm doing the exact same pose all the way down the carpet - like, I literally shuffle in that pose.

This is what I do. I look at brains. I'm fascinated by it. I can spend hours doing it. In fact, if I want to relax, that's one way I can relax.

When I started doing contests, I didn't look at it as a sport, but when I realized I was looking at it that way, I had to acknowledge it as a sport.

Every year, I sort of look at where I've been and where I'm headed. I'm coming up on my 25th year. Rejuvenated, I guess, is one way to look at it. I'm absolutely having a blast with what I'm doing.

I like doing things in a very minimal, unconventional way as a personal way of saying, 'Look, I made a career out of carefully and craftfully, though unconventionally, making records on laptops and blown speakers.'

But I now think what I was doing, in a completely unconscious way, was getting off the turf where my husband and I might be rivals. We were both working in fiction... so I look back and I see that I consciously vacated the contested ground.

Doing 'CSI: N.Y.' is not 'CSI.' Doing 'CSI: Miami' is not 'CSI: N.Y.,' it's 'CSI: Miami.' It has a very, very specific tone. It has a very specific look. It has a specific way in which they tell their stories that's different from 'CSI: N.Y.' and 'CSI.'

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