I try to meditate.

I learned tolerance at a very early age.

I was a child actor but not a child star.

As a movie star, you get good tables at restaurants.

I don't ever get to the point where anything is old hat.

As an actor, Coppola trained me. That was my training ground.

Mine were informal mentors. They were all in my working life.

My vocation is I do what I do. I'm an actor; that's what I do.

I think there's going to be many special episodes of 'Blackish.'

I try to stay in shape a little bit, but I don't obsess about it.

I ain't afraid of germs, man. And I ain't afraid of getting sick.

It's nice to get the feedback from a theater audience. It's a gas.

I didn't want to be a big star. I wanted to be a really good actor.

I have this unshakeable faith. I believe in myself; I believe in God.

I didn't have much of a childhood, but that's O.K. I have a livelihood.

There's great theatre in New York City, but no New York City in theatre.

People think that I'm haughty and stuck up, but really I'm just very shy.

It's my luck that I was born a bit of an old soul, and it's served me well.

I return to the stage first and foremost because I'm an actor, and I love it.

A smart black guy is confronting for most people. But that's on them, not on me.

I really don't know that I'm iconic. I don't even know that people think I'm cool.

I'm not dyeing my hair and trying to pretend I'm 40. That's not going to work for me.

I always wanted to play a cowboy. I just didn't get to do it the way I thought I would.

Acting is a childlike thing. To act well, you have to be childlike in order to free yourself.

I have a relationship with the southern hemisphere that's a really good one. I love it there.

When I came into my adulthood, I recognized how fortunate I was to be doing what I loved to do.

I have heard a lot of people talk about this grind of series television. I have not seen it yet.

The 50s are the age of elegance. That's kind of my intention when I get dressed: casual elegance.

I'm left-handed: I can think and feel at the same time. My feminine side is very highly developed.

I think everyone is very surprised at how matrix has become the pop culture phenomenon that it is.

I think everyone is very surprised at how 'Matrix' has become the pop culture phenomenon that it is.

I think I've certainly learned a lot of lessons in humility and continue to work on that part of myself.

It's very difficult to set a film in one setting without giving the audience some intensity and some relief.

I have a voice. It's one of my gifts. I intend to use it on behalf of the children that UNICEF seeks to aid.

I've played a lot of bad guys, 'cause that was the only work I could get. People saw my face and went 'oooh'.

Shooting a film with seven to eight actors together is complicated sometimes because you have to cover everybody.

Having 50 to 60 years on the planet should give you a sense of how to master the way you look and live your life.

Philanthropic work reminds you of everyone's common humanity, and that's really the common denominator for everyone.

I don't believe in acting teachers for me, so it's God's joke that he gave me a best friend who's an acting teacher.

If you like rock and roll, if you like rhythm and blues, if you like jazz, if you like hip-hop, you might be black-ish.

In order to be the best version of yourself, you have to dedicate time, effort, and support to other people who need it.

Projects don't need to be special for me to sign up, but I do need them to have something that speaks to me in some way.

I think any city that does the Olympics takes on the world and has to grow and has to kind of assimilate all sorts of folks.

John Wick is not a guy that asks for help, so when he goes to somebody for help, whoever that is, you know he's a serious cat.

I can't remember a picture that has expressed black attitudes and personal relationships as vividly as we've done in 'Cadence.'

My mother is quite a woman. She would push me, and when I got tired of her pushing, I'd say: 'Leave me alone. Don't push so much.'

Special effects are characters. Special effects are essential elements. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there.

It's always a collective group of people coming together to oppose those things which are fundamentally contrary to our basic humanity.

I certainly believe that being in contact with one's spirit and nurturing one's spirit is as important as nurturing one's body and mind.

You know, whatever happens between the two of us that's created when we come together as actors is not something I think we can explain.

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