My longest love affair: with a book.

I've always had a love affair with Boston.

The love affair you seek is with yourself.

My love affair with painting is bittersweet.

I had started my love affair with Wimbledon.

Me and my harp was a love affair from way back.

I'm just writin' about my little ol' love affair.

My love affairs are just between my office and gym.

God is trying to woo us into a love affair with God.

The only love affair I have ever had was with music.

I've had a love affair with every movie I've ever done.

I've had a deep love affair with skiing for many years.

Few friendships could survive the moodiness of love affairs.

Romance is a love affair in other than domestic surroundings.

love had turned into "love affair" with a begining and an end.

Writing is like a love affair: the beginning is the best part.

A poet never takes notes. You never take notes in a love affair.

Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair.

You don't have to have lots of love affairs to know what love is.

The perfect love affair is one which is conducted entirely by post.

I'm pretty sure my love affair with science-fiction started with ET.

At the beginning of a love affair, not even the neurotic is neurotic.

When a writer talks about his work, he's talking about a love affair.

I have to make this love affair believable enough. It's very European.

Health is a consumation of a love affair of all the organs of the body.

As I create art, it is like a love affair. My days go by loving what I do.

America's love affair with traveling into outer space is deeply entrenched.

The deeper you love yourself, the more the universe will affirm your worth.

I'm originally from New York, and I just have a love affair with that place.

The truth is that I am enslaved... in one vast love affair with 70 children.

When you've finished a piece of work you've had a kind of love affair with it.

Wisdom is a love affair with questions. Knowledge is a love affair with answers.

Wrestling has taken me on a ride and a love affair. I absolutely enjoy wrestling.

But who is ever able to apply to her own current love affair a word like "similar"?

Wasted Days and Wasted Nights, it's about days very wrongly invested in a love affair.

I must say I have a personal love affair with India, with its civilisation, its culture.

The Christian use of religion as a personal love affair both shocked me, and attracted me.

I love hip-hop. I have gone through many difference phases in my love affair with hip-hop.

We all become great explorers during our first few days in a new city, or a new love affair.

We really need to get over this love affair with the fetus and start worrying about children.

My biggest fantasy love affair was with Dustin Hoffman. It's so bizarre. Also Anthony Hopkins.

As a child, I wanted to go into advertising. I had a love affair with the advertising industry.

I would rather sing about my love affair or about a woman or to a woman than some guys any day.

The resilience of narrative storytelling and people's love affair with television is impressive.

I just started taking pictures, and it was - it was an instant love affair. It was just ecstatic.

It's not the love affair I have with film, but television can be a playground for interesting ideas.

It was a struggle treating Claude Rains as my lover, but we were friendly. It was no great love affair.

When I have worries, fears or a love affair, I have the luck of being able to transform it into a poem.

Anyone who has been obsessed or been in a mad love affair, sometimes you don't make the right decisions.

Dad was joyful until the day he died, and I think that joy was deeply rooted in his love affair with God.

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