I love San Antonio. The fans have always supported us, from day one.

I would always love to be an athlete, but it's got to be a tough day when you have to hang up those cleats.

I'm always interested in finding the new trend. If you love pizza every day, after 22 years of eating pizza, you want to try sushi.

My daughter has always had a strong sense of her own identity. From the day she was born her father and I were in love with and in awe of her and still are.

I love doing this day, and George was exactly as he's always been, very calm and very gentle, and if I'm in the final cut in the summer theater, I'll be thrilled. If I'm not, well that's the way things go.

I am totally, completely, 100% in love with fashion. I would wear Chanel gowns to the grocery store if I could. I'm a huge fan of Chanel and Versace, and I actually have always dreamed of designing my own line one day.

No matter what I'm doing, I'm training. I'm training every day and I think that's something I won't lose - no matter what I do, no matter what event I'm at, I always find a way to train. It's just something that I love to do.

I find that the majority of the actors I've worked with are extremely sensitive people and very spontaneous people. That's why I always say I'll never date an actor, because they're in love with you one day and the next day they're not.

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