Alec Baldwin is so funny.

I love swimming because racing.

I hate to lose. I like winning.

For me, being Ryan Lochte is fun.

Stay motivated, set goals, have fun

Too travel is sometimes better to arrive!

I took my weight training to a new level.

Of course I have bad hair days; I’m human.

You know, you pick and choose your battles.

Pain is temporarily, but pride last forever

It felt good to actually have a decent swim.

One thing I won't do: I won't give up on love.

That's the quickest way to my heart: Laughter.

I might wear my pink Speedo. I think I should.

For those who are understood no need to explain

Have fun, because that's what life is all about.

I look at him as some other person I need to beat.

Not to have a big head about it, but people love me.

The whole Kardashian family, they have a bunch of energy.

The fact that people actually want my autograph is crazy.

You'd be amazed at what I can do. Did you know I can swim?

I'm definitely laid back. I don't take things so seriously.

I grew up listening to oldies, like Motown. That's from my mom.

I've hung out with Jay-Z a couple of times, and he was awesome.

If you’re a man at night, you’ve got to be a man in the morning.

If I break my ankle right now, this Olympics wasn't meant to be.

I don't have a set style, but I try not to dress like everyone else.

The key to the Lochte haircut is being fresh and looking up-to-date.

I want to be different, and fashion gives me that outlet to do that.

I don't know if I'm a good kickball player; I know I'm a good athlete.

You know, honestly, if a girl can make me laugh, I'm pretty much sold.

Going out to look for a date, I don't have to do that. They come to me.

I grew up with a big family. I want that. I want to have my own family.

I am at the Olympics, I forgot to tie my suit, how is this gonna happen?

In life, like, I'm always living life to the fullest to always have fun.

Always reach for the moon cuz if u slip up u will still be a star!! #Jeah

My whole family swims! You can pretty much say chlorine runs in our veins.

My philosophy is if you're a man at night, you gotta be a man in the morning.

You could literally be perfect and people would still hate you, for being perfect.

I want to get to know a woman before I take them out on a date or anything like that.

I believe everyone has a soul mate that they can spend the rest of their life together.

I should have been much more responsible in how I handled myself and for that am sorry.

The swimming community is really small, but why can't it be as big as the NBA or the NFL?

I'm going to focus on speed, doing little things like my turns and my starts - just speed.

I want people to see the passion I have for swimming and become more involved in the sport.

Abe Lincoln is my favorite president of all time - and he pulls off that top hat pretty well.

I suddenly said, 'I'm sick of losing'. After that, I trained hard and I never lost there again.

I've talked in front of ... like... a lot of big business people about stuff I didn't even know.

If I just swam all day, I'd lose it. That's why I do so many other activities. It keeps me sane.

These are my shoes that I designed from top to the very sole to the very top to the bottom. Laces.

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