You always love to fantasize you'll get your dream role.

I always say, you never know how much your parents loved you until you have a child to love.

I love horror because you can never just sit back in your seat. You always have to be on the edge of it.

Sugar is my friend, not my love. I always season sugar with a bit of acid or salt. Listen to your tongue.

Your weak point is the open, vulnerable place where you can always be hurt. Love, in all its aspects, opens the self so fully.

Memory has always fascinated me. Think of it. You can recall at will your first day in high school, your first date, your first love.

It's not always about convincing your parents of what you want to do, but just saying, 'This is what I'm doing; this is what I love.'

If you could stay at this stage - you're 17, and you're always going to be in love with your first love - that's probably attractive.

Tennis has always been my hobby and I love to play but it's also not a bad way to earn your living and it might help if children knew that.

Love your enemies... it's not always an easy tenet to live by... and I have more often than not been inclined to wish my enemies ill than well.

People love to play expectations games, and that is always bad for collaboration internal to a team, with your manager, or externally with customers.

You always love playing in finals at any tournament. The grand slams and stuff like that are obviously the priorities but any titles go on your record.

You can be a follower of Muhammad or Jesus or Buddha or whomever. Always, they said that the most essential factor is to love your neighbor. And to love you.

I always tell people that they are really the critics. If people come three times a week to your restaurant they are the ones who find something they really love.

When it comes to beauty, I feel that hanging with people you love, laughing, and doing silly things gets your spirits up. We are always prettier when we are happier.

I always say to my Twitter followers to come to the stage door and meet me. What I love about being in the theatre, rather than filming, is that you meet your audience.

My father, my mother, and then my father was always on top of me - 'Keep your nose clean. Do you love what you're doing?' 'Yes.' 'Then be aware, or you're going to lose it.'

For me, being a writer, you want to communicate with people, but if your goal is that every person is going to love what you do, then you're always going to be disappointed.

I had been designing for Alessi and Swid Powell and Steuben and high-end people, and people always complained, 'Michael, we'd love to buy your stuff, but it's too expensive.'

I've always loved kids, but to have your own little munchkins is unlike anything else. It's the greatest form of love; it's challenging and scary, but so rewarding and exciting.

I'm sure you have a hole at your course where you love to hit the tee shot. You can't wait to get up there and bomb away because the fairway is wide, or the hole always plays downwind.

In standup, it's just you. You're your own writer, your own critic, your own director, and it's never the same. You really don't always have it down. Your continue to learn, you continue to risk, and I really love it.

Playing new songs at festivals is weird, obviously. People at festivals are always a bit drunk, and probably just want to hear stuff they know by bands they love, or are checking you out and don't know your stuff very well.

We always hark back to what we used to love watching as kids: 'Noel's House Party,' 'Don't Forget Your Toothbrush,' shows that had that live excitement about them. You never knew what was going to happen and I found that really engaging.

I like individual scents on a girl, so you always recognize her and you keep her separate from other people in your head. I really love Egyptian musk. I've even gone to the mall and sprayed perfumes and just smelled them. I'm creepy. So creepy.

Maybe you are homophobic a little bit, but then you see me, and you've always loved me, and you love the way I play, and your kids love me. And then you're like, 'Oh, that's OK. It's fine.' Once it gets a little bit more personal, it helps break down those barriers.

I think a lot of my fans are anxious for more than just my singles. They know I'm a dreamer. They know I'm someone who is real spiritual. I love to have fun, and I always have fun songs - songs you can party to. But I also always have songs you can live to, that when you're depressed, it may lift your spirits up.

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