I love this game too much to not give my best attempt.

I just really love the game. I'm very hungry, and I'm looking forward to playing in the best league in the world.

It's a game that I love and I want to continue to play. I know that I'll have a job somewhere. You've just got to go out there and put your best foot forward.

I think the Australian public would love to see the best Australian team on the park for every game. It's difficult to do that with the schedule and how much we play.

I just love the feeling from the fans and when I'm walking on deck I can hear people screaming and wishing you the best. That puts you into the game more than anything.

You can call it my bias or love for Harbhajan but if you are picking three best spinners in the country, he's got to be among them. Harbhajan is one bowler who should be playing all three formats of the game.

The Premier League is the best league in the world; it's so strong. The smaller teams love to try their chances against the big ones, and this is why the game goes back and forth. That can be strenuous, tough on you and your body, but I really love it.

TLC has helped me to know that as a musician, I can talk about anything; that there are no barriers, and that you can be yourself. That's what I love about them. Left Eye in particular helped me to stay on top of my A game. She's one of the best female MCs that I've heard.

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