I love how professional sports unite a city and a group of people.

I love Manchester. I really do. It's a lovely city, lovely people, and I really enjoyed it there.

I love the city and the people here. I've been with them for many years and I fought alongside them.

Being in the city of New Orleans, meeting the people, it's been nothing but hospitality and a lot of love.

If people watch 'Broad City' very closely, we just drop lines about people we love, just to say we like them.

To be honest, I love being in Utah so I think most people have the wrong idea about the city, about the place.

I will talk to people who say they loved 'Tales of the City' or 'Far and Away' or 'Love and Human Remains' or 'Barcelona.'

That would really be my fantasy - maybe just do three shows a year and each year in a different city, just singing for the people who really want to see it, and then just write for other people. I do love to sing, but I'm just as happy singing in the bathtub, you know?

I love my city and I feel like the majority of the people that are in the city are people from other cities. So I think that L.A. sometimes might get a bad rap because it's known to be so Hollywood-oriented and then underneath that you have crime. But that's really the case in pretty much any major city that you go to.

Woody Allen was the reason I wanted to move to New York City and one of the reasons I wanted to make films. I felt that I understood his films, and I love them so much. When you're starting out, certainly, you have this sense of wanting to talk back to people who have influenced you, and I always wanted to talk back to Woody Allen.

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