I'm just a follower.

My dad is an egomaniac.

Married life is awesome.

I liked Olivia Newton-John.

The weirder the better for me.

I like the Carpenters and Elvis.

'One Million Bullets' is my baby.

Life is pretty surreal and awesome.

I just wanted to have a private life.

This is a sick business. It's so sad.

Fame made me develop a panic disorder.

I have so much to thank reality TV for.

What I do enjoy is the creative process.

I got a little bit famous. I didn't like it.

I love visual gags and gimmicks; I love them.

I do not love performing. I get really scared.

I was really bored of making downtempo albums.

I refrain from blaming anything on my parents.

I'm trying to have some control over my image.

I'm just completely obsessed with Die Antwoord.

I'm sensitive and get easily upset and insulted.

Everybody in the entertainment industry is insecure.

I get to do what I love and communicate whatever I want.

I had hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax penalties.

I don't really listen to music. I don't. I watch television.

I don't want to be followed by paparazzi; that terrifies me.

I'm an advocate of 'it's not what you are, it's who you are.'

If Amy Winehouse was a beehive, then I guess I'm a blonde bob.

I don't really identify as gay; I don't really know what I am.

When I was 21, I went to London and lived there for eight years.

I believe that once I put music out, it's owned by the listener.

I don't need to be rich anymore; I don't need to be a millionaire.

I was pretty much tap dancing for attention from a very early age.

I love the writing and performing, but everything in between sucks.

I toured for 13 years, and it was very lonely, and it was hard work.

I can clear my mind, and lyrics just come out; it's very easy for me.

Probably from, like, 10 to 14 or 15, I would just listen to pop radio.

The accolades don't nourish me - being with loved ones and my dogs does.

I don't need to sing in front of thousands, as I can sing in the shower.

I have big dreams. I want to keep songwriting. Direct films. Be a parent.

Knowing now what goes into making a successful artist, it's disheartening.

When I'm writing a pop song, I'll just write formulaically, strategically.

I hope I am a psychotherapist's dream. I've spent enough hours in therapy.

I think that the stuff I write for pop music is terribly, terribly cheesy.

I love watching reality TV, but being part of making it was just demoralizing.

I'm fine around other people's feelings. It doesn't make me nervous or anxious.

I'm never going to sing the words, 'I want to shut down the club,' never, ever.

It can be difficult navigating the line between tabloid gossip and authenticity.

'Titanium' wasn't supposed to be me singing, but they put my demo vocal back on.

I was weirdly obsessed with music until I was 11, and then I turned into a nerd.

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