I love black diamonds. They say your watch or jewelry wasn't cheap, but they aren't too flashy and in your face.

I love a bright lip with a neutral eye. It's an easy, wearable look that gives brightness to your face without looking over-the-top.

There's something so zen-like and grateful of just ripping a hot wing apart and getting it all over your face, and everyone's happy. I love that atmosphere.

I love Evian face spray because it's a really easy way to just freshen up your face, especially if you're traveling on an airplane - I get really dry on airplanes.

I've got a song called 'Salt Skin' because when you run in the heat it evaporates and you've got salt crystals on your face. I love that, because it means you've worked really hard.

Hollywood is just like high school: The popular people love the other popular people. And the thing is, some people aren't nice. Or they are nice, but only to your face, not elsewhere.

I love the Fashion Fair Concealer Wheel. That's my little secret. It comes with three colors in it. What I like about it is that you could almost cover your whole face in it if you want because you can mix the colors to create the perfect shade that works with your skin.

An actor has to be very, very careful, as one of the most wonderful props - and actors love props - is a cigarette. There's so much to do with it: you can bring it up to your face, play with the smoke. It's just the greatest - ever since I was 16 and in acting school in England, I've been playing around with cigarettes.

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