I love video games. Me and Meth are video game addicts.

Soccer was my first love, and I enjoyed playing on the left wing until a groin injury forced me out of the game in 2008.

Even though it feels like you are so far away from the big leagues, my love for the game kept me motivated to get through the hard times in the minors.

Basketball is the axis that allows me to do the things that I do. I have so much love for the game, and it gives me to the option to be able to jump into fashion.

For me, I've written and produced for pop singers, but, like, female pop - I love that. I think it's putting me in the game that I love girl pop. All my writing is inspired by it.

I never ever believed that I would be able to give up on this dream which has driven me to live, breathe, love and embrace the game of rugby from the earliest days that I can remember.

In terms of theater, I would love to go back to do theater. If I could find something for me to do that fits in with the 'Psych' off-season, I'm game. I would like to do theater where I get to act and dance.

Around sixth or seventh grade, I fell in love with Tim Duncan and his all-around game. That's when I started watching him. Then my father introduced me to Hakeem Olajuwon. Those were the two guys I modeled my game after.

Football is a chess game to me. If you move your pawn against my bishop, I'll counter that move to beat you. Football is the same way. I study so much film that I know exactly what teams are going to do. I love knowing what a offense is going to run and stuffing that play.

Not missing games, miss one game due to injury in my career, and that even hurt me to miss that game, but I just love to get out there and compete, both ends of the ball, and I don't think I'm afraid to take the big shot. If I'm 2-for-15, I'm not afraid to take that shot, make it 3-for-16.

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